Tough Love

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As Miyo approaches his apartment door, he hears his mom and father's voices screaming at each other; his father's voice seems slurred.

Is he drunk? God, please don't let him be drunk, and it's just his ears playing with him...

Miyo takes a breath to steady himself and cracks open the front door. The two adults are in the living room. If God is on his side, this new trick he recently learned will work. Miyo makes a tiny ghost and sends it to his room. Miyo closes his eyes and thinks about how the ghost feels through his quirk. He geta a shiver down his spine, and open his eyes.

He did it? HE DID IT! Miyo's in his room! IT WORKED! YEAH! WOOHOO!

Ao flips around the room in celebration. Grinning over his success, Miyo changes into his nightwear, a pair of sweatpants and a large hoodie, and sits down on his bed. His mom and father's shouting is still at the same level as it was when he first got here.

Miyo decides to try and "talk" to Ao to pass the time, but after twenty minutes they weren't able to send more than two or three words at a time through their thoughts, and Ao just can't speak out loud in any way possible.

Miyo hears an ear shattering crash from the living room, and his mom's voice goes quiet. In a panic for his mom's safety, Miyo creates a tiny ghost, just smaller than his pinky finger, and sends it out and down the hall, making sure to avoid being seen. A screen with a blue tint appears in his vision, and he can see the hallway and what the ghost is seeing. Miyo zooms in a little and centers it to see better.

Through the screen, he sees his mom on the floor beside the sofa; she's twitching every so often.

His father must have used his quirk on her.

Miyo's heart tightens in his chest from guilt and anger. Guilt for being the reason his mom gets hurt and burning anger at his father for hurting his mom and him all the time.

Ao bumps into his arms, and Miyo feels him attempting to talk in his head.

"Father -–– ApproOaChInG-- HuRtS-- hIdE-- yOu"

He's panicked and telling Miyo to hide since his father is approaching his room, and he's going to hurt him. Miyo swirls in his place, looking for a spot to hide. His closet is the only place he can fit in to hide, so he rushes over to the closet and shuts its door behind himself. Ao stuffs himself into one of the hats up on his shelves over the bed, directly in front of Miyo.

His father slams his fists against the door; it frightens Miyo.

He's horrifying when drunk. Miyo didn't lock the door. He's going to get in. He's going to hurt him again. Please just leave! Leave him alone! Please!

Panicked and scared, Miyo starts to cry; his hands begin shaking, and his lips are quivering. He curls up in the corner of the closet. His father manages to whip the door open; the door thuds loudly when it hits the wall. Miyo brings his knees to his chest and shivers in his spot. His father stomps around the room, searching for him.

"WHERE ARE YOU?!? You little demon! Get out here and face me like a man! Don't think I won't turn around and finish you off! I'll give you until the count of ten to get yourself out here and in front of me!"

He continues to search the room.

He looks under the bed.

He opens the drawers.

He looks behind the drawers.

He swirls around in his spot.

He's screeching out the numbers now.

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