New Acquaintance

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Tomura exits his bedroom and closes the door behind himself. Miyo, who was left inside, is now engrossed in the strategy game that he and the younger were playing together a few minutes ago. He slips off his gloves and shoves them into his pocket as he walks down the stairs, "Father's" hand already on his face.

In all honesty, Tomura hadn't expected Miyo to visit today and to stay so late or for his possible ally to show up so early; in fact, he wasn't even certain that the other would accept the meeting.

He sits down on a stool on the side closer to the exit and the stairs, nodding quietly to Kurogiri, and the man opens a portal at the far end of the room.

A few seconds pass, the distant sounds of traffic and civilians filter through the portal, and a blade begins to appear through the mist, followed by another, a tattered red scarf, arms, legs, and finally, the face of his possible future ally. He doesn't even remember who suggested reaching out to The Hero Killer; he just knows that it wasn't him and that under no circumstances is Miyo to be seen by the other man.

The portal shrinks until vanishing completely, leaving Tomura, Kurogiri, and Stain in the bar together, the tension in the room growing higher by the second. Tomura doesn't like this, not one bit. Dabi should be with them too, but fortunately for him, the fire user had "business to attend to," so he was out right now. The roasted asshole.

Tomura doesn't like the amount of weapons he is seeing on the man in front of him, and who knows how many the other has that he can't see. He is aware that Kurogiri will protect him to the best of his abilities if something goes wrong, but his brain is working on overdrive at the moment, so he's really doubting their chances of escaping this meeting with all body parts intact.

Well, he needs to get this over and done with before Miyo gets curious as to why he's been down here so long.

"Stain, The Hero Killer. You have killed 17 pro heroes altogether while crippling 23 others to the point of being unable to make a full recovery; you work independently but can work with others if needed; but that was back when you were the vigilante, Slendhal. Arsenal includes katanas, throwing knives, and other types of blades. Quirk is unknown. Shall we have a chat, Stain? I don't think we need to fight. Kurogiri would get upset if that were to happen in his bar. Would you like a drink?"

Stains' fiery eyes stare into Tomura's soul; it sends a shiver down his spine and makes all his hair stand on end. The man places his blades back into their sheaths, two katanas crossing on his back, knives around his abdomen, legs, and arms, and some more probably hidden underneath his clothing. Tomura now notices that the man's boots have sharp spikes along the toe end of his feet; dried blood is very visible on the ends of the spikes to anyone looking.

He seriously needs to stay on the man's good side.

Stain trudges over to the bar and sits down on a stool, three away from Tomura. His eye stays on Tomura and Kurogiri as he takes a glass of whisky from the misty man behind the counter, nodding at the yellow eyed man in gratitude, but he doesn't move to drink from the glass and just leaves it on the bar in front of him. He turns on his stool and raises an eyebrow questioningly at Tomura, seeming done with any sort of humbling or politeness.

"I invited you here for a possible partnership between you and my group. A small contract, if you will, nothing too big, just a little hero targeting or information gathering that Giran might not be able to access. My group's goal is to rebuild society, make it better, and make it less, well, black and white, if you will. Are you interested?"

Stains' face remains impassive, not showing any response to the offer. The lack of reaction unnerves Tomura; he at least expected the older man to reject the idea outright with the rage of a thousand suns, not whatever... this was. Stain blinks and picks up the glass of whisky from the bar.

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