Hospital beds, we don't like them

147 10 18

Drip... Drop.... Drip.. Drop..Drip. Drop.Drip.Drop.Drip.

The rain speeds up and the sound of cars and people are blocked out by it.

Two children sit quietly together behind a large window on the window seat. They lean on each other, a male voice calls for them,

"Ṃ̷̨̝͓͇̯̣͆i̶͈̪̝̦̰͛̀̿̇ỳ̴̢͚͉̦̫̌̒̅̒̌̕͠ơ̴̢̡̛̘͚̥͖͙̊̀̃̓̈́͒!̷̯̟̂̄̂ ̵̢̭͒̊T̷̲̞̭͓̹͑̽ȩ̶̢͙̟̪̹̠̋͛̈́̿̑͂͋́̐ṉ̴̞͖̤̻̜̰̗̙͆̈̇̉͘͠k̴̡͇̱͒͛̒̃̔̽̈́͊͘ǫ̵̨̢̛̼͕͔̟̑̌̎̀̐̌͠͠!̴͕̣̯̆̅ Come on! It's time to go! We can't have both of you getting sick, now can we?"

The children turn to the speaker and their faces light up with joy. Hopping off the seat and rushing over to him, the children hug the him around the waist, unable to reach any higher.

"Oh! Hugs? You two feeling cuddly today? Is it because of the gloomy weather?"

They nod and squeeze the man tighter. The man chuckles at them and pats both of them on their heads.

"Come on, I have to get you home. Otherwise you'll get a cold from the rain."

He gently grabs the children's hands and they start walking. Even though its raining, none of them get a single drop on their skin. As they walk, people pass them with umbrellas and raincoats galore, they seem to naturally go around the trio too.

While they stroll along the footpath, lights from inside houses illuminate the way. Cars drift passed them like blurrs and lines of light. As they approach a familiar house a thought enters one of the child's minds,

"I wonder if Auntie would get us hot chocolate? It would be nice..."

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Bee-

Miyo forces his eyes open. He's met with a dull white ceiling and the strong smell of antiseptic burns the inside of his nose. He blinks. A new feeling registers. It's a faint throbbing in his forearm. He looks down at it.

His eyes find a thick cast covering the whole left arm, from his shoulder to his fingers. He's pretty sure it stops above his shoulder, though. The bulky-ness of the plaster makes it obvious. The material is forming an unpleasant layer of dead skin and sweat caked in between it and his arm.

He tries moving his fingers, but the movement seems to be painful, so he quickly settles back down. He twitches them about an inch before he's hit with a vicious wave of pain shooting up his arm. His face crumples and his eyes water, then he stops trying to move all together. His head throbs with the rhythm of the irratating beeping close by.

A knock is heard from a surface to his left; there's a creak, then a pair of footsteps follow. The clinking of a cane hitting the floor accompanies the steps, and Recovery Girl enters his line of vision. She's holding a clipboard in her right hand.

Her eyes look up at the machine that's making the beeping noise; her eyebrows crease, and she seems troubled by what she's seeing. Miyo, however, can not see what she's looking at, so he's left in the dark about the possible issue, which most likely has to do with his health.

Miyo tries to get her attention. He manages to catch her eye after a bit of twitching and small movements. Placing down her clipboard, Recovery Girl directs her focus onto him. She pokes and prods at Miyo's arm, head, and eyes before nodding to herself in satisfaction. She scribbles something down on her clipboard, then she speaks.

"You had a lot of people worried sick young man, especially those friends of yours. I had to have that lot dragged out of my office once they had discovered you were being treated here. Now, are you feeling pain anywhere? Your painkillers should be beginning to wear off around now. "

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