Hero Names

104 5 18

Miyo doesn't want to go to school. He doesn't think he can look any of his classmates in the eye after figuring out who the people were that showed up at the USJ and snuggling and playing Mario Kart with said people, plus, his bed is feeling so comfortable right now that he feels like he might die if he even lifts the covers off himself.

Something fluffy rubs up against his face, and then freezing water is dumped ontop of him. Shooting upward, covers throw off him, and Miyo gasps at the cold liquid now soaking into his pyjamas and bed. Glaring up at the culprit, Ao, is now laughing hysterically through their mindlink, and Miyo shakily heaves himself out of bed, his socks making a noisy squelch once they touch the floor. Rolling his eyes at his quirk, Miyo reaches down, peels off his socks, and tosses them into the wash basket at the end of his bed.

"So much for staying in bed..." he mumbles under his breath as he uses his quirk to extract the water from his bed sheets. He opens the window and lets the water drop out and onto the small flower beds that Ari and Manami planted in their tiny front garden. 

Tumbling about his room, Miyo puts on his uniform clumsily and almost falls over while exiting his room; Ao is the one to catch him as he plummets to the hall floor. He nods to the ghost in gratitude and continues down to the kitchen, his tie untied around his neck. He shoves the red fabric into his shirt pocket, he could just throw it on once he gets to school.

As he walks down the stairs, he notices that his legs don't hurt at all. How? He doesn't know, and he doesn't feel like figuring it out at this hour of the morning, whatever time it may be. Once he gets to the kitchen door, he spots that Hitoshi, Ari, and Manami are already seated at the table with breakfast in front of them. There isn't a plate or a cup out on the table for him.

Ignoring the small hollow feeling in his chest, Miyo ruffles Hitoshi's hair as he passes and quietly makes himself coffee. Once his drink is made, Miyo slides into the chair beside Hitoshi and munches happily on the apple he had grabbed. No conversations start, no idle chatter, no questions on how their weekend went, nothing whatsoever is said through breakfast.

Miyo finishes his drink and food quick enough and gets up from the table to wash his cup in the sink. Within ten minutes he is out the front door, bag slung over his left shoulder and his crutches are in his right hand, there's no point in him keeping them so he might as well return them to Recovery Girl.

When he reaches at the train station, Hitoshi having caught up to him during the small walk to get there, they buy their tickets and board the train once it arrives at the platform. Once seated, Miyo pulls out his phone to see if he has any messages or if there's any news worth looking at.

"The Hero Killer: Stain strikes again!" is the first article to pop up on his screen, and he clicks into it.

"Pro Hero Ingenium, head of the Idaten agency, has been rendered hospitalized after his latest encounter with Stain, The Hero Killer. No further information has been released to the public by the young pro hero's family. If anyone has witnessed or seen sightings of The Hero Killer, please contact your local hero line as soon as possible if you have any useful inform—"

Miyo stops reading, resting his chin on his hand, his bag and crutches secured underneath his seat. He hadn't heard anything from his classmate Iida, though he supposes they aren't exactly on good terms with one another. But Shouto had called him the other evening; they had messeged each other frequently since they parted ways after the festival on Friday. The ice user mentioned that Iida had left just before his and Tokoyami's match, and the engine boy had received a phone call during Miyo's final fight and had to leave for a family emergency.

He wonders, how is Iida taking the news? 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thankfully, the front gate of UA was not crowded by vicious reporters or any camera crews this morning, and Hitoshi heads straight to the classroom, leaving Miyo alone to drop off his crutches at Recovery Girl's office.

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