Shopping with Mom

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Screaming, crying, shouting, laughing, cheering–
The noise around him is mushed together, nearly impossible to decipher what anyone is possibly saying.

He is surrounded by demolished structures, abandoned vehicles, and a road that is unrecognizable due to the amount of debris and craters left by the fight, which was just after ending.

He takes a short breath and coughs from the dust and ash that enters his lungs, a hand caresses his back in gentle circular motions, soothing his tensed body.

He leans on the person closest to him, sighing with no sound, everything seems to tingle including places he wasn't even aware of. He inhales slowly and his vision warps.

There's sirens in the distance, must be the police or the medics. Hopefully they get here soon, there is quite a lot of injured civilians...


It's Saturday afternoon, March 13th, eleven months before the U. A. Entrance exam in February.

Mom and I were just waiting for Father to leave for work.

But Father decided that he needed to hit us a couple times before heading out for the day, Mom had managed to get in between Father and I, she had ordered me to go to my room, so that's where I am.

Sitting up against the wall beside my bed, legs pulled up to my chest with my arms crossed on top of my knees. A dry trail of tears that are beginning to dry form crusted lines going down my face the skin cracks uncomfortably, while my chin rests on my arms.

Ao, hovers quietly beside me, twitching every so often. Tilting back my head now leaning against the wall fully, I listen in quietly to the screaming, shouting, and shattering coming from down the hall.

Mom and Father screech at each other in the living room over something he's not pleased with, mostly me and lunch not being what he wants.

Holding my breath, I hear a door slam and see my walls shake slightly, my shoulders raise to my ears, my head already tucking under my arms and between my legs, my toes curl on my clothed feet. Bracing for something that might come.

I listen for footsteps, all I come up with is a muffled sniffling coming from the kitchen. Deciding that it's safe to exit my room I crack my door open and peer out into the hall.

The hall light is switched off so all that is seen is the light coming from the kitchen glaring out into the hall, which would almost be pitch black if it weren't for the tiny window at the very end of it.

Contemplating my next decision, I quietly stalked my way to the halls end, making sure to avoid any of the older floorboards and small flakes of glass that obviously, shattered on impact of whatever it was aimed to hit and proceeded to fly in all directions.

Peeking my head into the room I spot Mom, she's crying softly while sitting in the living room, I can see from my position that she's been cut in multiple places, mainly being her arms, legs, and the small few cuts on her face show me that's why she's bleeding.

Turning around, I go and retrieve the first-aid kit from the bathroom then quickly make my way to Mom. I hold out one of my hands, she glances up at me with red, puffy eyes then places one of her hands in mine.

I gently remove shards of glass, disinfect her wounds, put some quirk enhanced healing cream on, and wrap bandages on her arms and legs. For her face I clean it, rub cream on, and place one or two plasters on the deeper knicks and just leave the smaller one's to the air so they can scab over quickly.

I tidy up everything I took out and carefully return it to their specific compartment in the first-aid kit.

I glance around the room and see that most of the glasses, plates, bowls, and cutlery are on the floor in both the kitchen and living room, all of the glasses are far too broken to repair, the bowls and plates, now no longer recognisable, are chucked everywhere in shatters, ranging from multiple sizes, but all of it definitely isn't possible to glue back together.

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