Injuries? Ha, All Might Laughs In The Face Of Injuries! HAHA-

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The four boys arrive at the observation room within five minutes and All Might goes straight into who the class thought was the MVP, he doesn't even look in their direction and he quickly sends out the next two teams.

Miyo's eye twitches in irritation over the blonde hero, -Does he not hear Sero's teeth chattering? Did he not watch when Sero got encased in ice?-  he huffs and gets Todoroki to hold Sero on his own for a minute and marches over to the oblivious man watching the large screens on the wall.

He clears his throat loudly,
"All Might."

The man jumps at the students voice and whips his head around to face him,
"A-ah, yes young Takei? Is there an issue?"

"Sero has the early stages of frostbite and hypothermia, I want to bring him to Recovery Girl's office for treatment. I need your permission to go."

"He has hypothermia? How could he get such a thing? It's not cold..."

Miyo blinks up at him, his patience thinning by the second,
"Todoroki froze Sero to win the exercise. Do I or do I not have permission to go to Recovery Girl's office?"

All Might seems to quiver slightly at the threatening tone and nods quickly before returning his gaze to screens with teams H and B are preparing for their match. Miyo makes his way back to Todoroki and Sero and slips back to Sero's side, taking weight off of Todoroki.

"Let's go to Recovery Girl's office before Sero needs to be brought to an actual hospital."

They exit the observation room and head to Recovery Girl's office, She orders them to lay Sero down on one of the beds and kicks Todoroki and Miyo out of the room soon after, and Miyo is left thinking how manners must have gone to shit throughout this whole school.

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

When Todoroki and he return to the observation room teams A and J can be seen on the screens.

A pooling feeling settles in Miyo's and he sends out two intangible ghosts with the order for them to intervene if and when Midoriya lights up his limps like glow sticks and when Bakugo takes things too far.

They vanish from the room, their vision appears in Miyo's eyes, one ghost has gone to the room where Iida and Bakugo are 'planning'. The other has chosen to float around Midoriya and Uraraka like the moon while they plan.

Miyo widens the screens that are only in his vision and leans against the furthest wall from everyone else, Hitoshi and Todoroki joining him soon after.

Nodding briefly to them, Miyo refocuses on his ghosts vision-screens. Bakugo can be seen stomping around the third floor and is making his way to the ground floor, his cursing filtering through his ghost and into Miyo's ears like a radio recording.

Midoriya and Uraraka have just entered the front door together, Midoriya is still muttering his thoughts out loud but Uraraka looks to be torn on how to snap him out it and looks slightly uncomfortable.

The three students meet on the second floor, Uraraka is ordered by Midoriya to find the weapon, leaving Bakugo and himself together, alone.

Reajusting his stance by the wall, his shoulders squaring and his feet planting themselves firmly on the floor as Miyo does so.

Miyo feels Hitoshi shift closer to him on his left, Todoroki also appears to have noticably drifted closer to Miyo on his right side, both males seeming to have caught on to the change in stance.

Bakugo screeches about Midoriya looking down on him and thinking he's better that the other now that the green eyed boy is in U.A.

"He very obviously has a inferiority complex or a superiority complex, possibly both. Maybe he was treated like a higher person in middle school over his 'flashy' quirk..."

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