The Accident

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I was panicking while trying to figure out what was wrong with Mom in all the noise and chaos, I bent down to her and saw the blood oozing out of her shoulder like a river and began to panic even more, holding her hand while using my other hand I push down on the wound to try a new slow the bleeding, I beg her,

"Wait until the other heroes and paramedics get here Mom please! Please Mom your not allowed to close your eyes now! Stay awake! Mom please!"

Glancing over at the villains that weren't fighting the hero I see them snap out of there shock, both of them expressing how horrified they were that the hero wasn't wary of his surroundings, especially the crowd.

They stomped over to mom and I, seeming to have the intention of placing mom in a slightly safer place than the middle of the footpath and leaned down to pick up mom being careful of her wound that the hero had caused.

Once they placed mom at the less chaotic part of the footpath, out of the way of panicked feet, they made sure she was in a comfortable position and that I was uninjured keeping their eyes out for the emergency services. I could see how upset they were over the hero being reckless.

Now that they were pleased with the our location and physical condition they stood fully and started to turn around, only for another one of those flashes of light fly toward our direction.

I hear the most agonising screech from my throat. The villains quickly turn their gazes back to me bellow them, the flash of light had hit Mom on her chest.

She had stopped breathing and that I kept screaming at her to "Wake up" but with no success I proceeded to wail my heart and soul out while hugging her in my arms.

"She promised that she would
always be with me...
ITS ALL HIS F̷̮̲̦̖͖̣̊̑͋̓͂͝Á̴͓͔̝̏̈̈́͒͠ͅÙ̸̜̗̅̂͒L̵̡̨̺̪̬̩͝T̶͔̣̾͂̆͋͆"

I began quietly, but by the time I was done, I was shouting. I was so enraged that my quirk started to flash all around me, and my final word was overlaped with an icy, demonic-like voice.

The action between the hero and the villain came to an end, and the people close to me fell deathly silent.

Without realizing, I had released twelve phantoms that were now circling the hero. They were horrifyingly ugly and had nothing in common with Ao, who was still floating next to me.

The hero was trembling hysterically and was as white as a sheet, as if he had witnessed his own demise unfold before his very eyes.

Still blinded by my feelings I stood up and delicately laid my mom down, shutting her eyes. My body glinted and I abruptly showed up in place of one of my ghost's surrounding the hero, Ao springing up very close behind me.

I gestured to the hero and the twelve new phantoms close in the distance between them all, he shrieks, a seriously pitiful sound, as a matter of fact.

I wave my hand and the phantoms structure a cyclone from themselves and the residue spread out on the road, which presently has sear imprints and holes, no thanks to the 'amazing' hero.

I blink at the screaming of the hero and the crowds silent, blank gazes.

'They know nothing about Mom, they didn't know that she protected me from Father if he's drunk.

How she snuck me little treats in my bento box to give Ao at lunch.

When Father had a night shift she would play a movie while we snuggled under a blanket on the sofa.

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