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{The next morning}
[Miyo's P. O. V]

I wake up to something shaking my arm, grumbling for being woken I turn over to go back to sleep, only to be knocked out of bed. Huffing, I get up from the floor and glare at the small ghost floating above my pillow, it looks like it's laughing at me, meanie I just wanted to sleep!

I stand up, fully awake now thanks to someone, I put on some clothes, a light blue t-shirt, a dark blue pair of shorts, white socks, and my white shoes. Once I finish getting dressed I motion for my ghost to follow me out to the kitchen so we can have breakfast. Now realising I can't keep calling him 'ghost', I need to give him a name. Maybe Ao? I nod to myself, Ao-kun it is!

Entering the room I notice that my father's seat at the table is unoccupied and mom is already seated with a cup of tea in her hand and a bowl set out beside her, must be for my cereal which is out on the table as well as the milk.

'Father must have gone to work early this morning, nothing new with that.' I think to myself. Climbing onto the chair beside mom I pour some cereal and milk into the bowl then I begin eating quietly.

After ten minutes, I finish my breakfast and place the bowl and spoon into the sink, then run off to the bathroom to brush my teeth so mom can bring me to school. Once cleaned I go pick up my school bag and meet mom at the front door. Holding her hand, we leave for school.

We arrive quick enough seeing that the school is just a walk down the road from our home, hugging mom goodbye, I head into the building towards my classroom, and I sit down at my desk without any classmates noticing, nervously fidgeting in my seat I decide to take out my notebook and pencil case, bending over my bag, opening the zip my eyes widen. Ao-kun is hiding inside my bag, he looks up and bops his head against my hand. Stiffened in shock I don't notice the teacher entering the classroom until she calls my name.

"Alright everyone, sit and settle down please. I have some news Takei-kun has finally received his quirk! Takei-kun would you come up here please?" Ms. Sasaki announced.

Slowly I stand up from my chair and make my way up to the front of the classroom, little Ao-kun snuggled into my arms as if trying to hide from my classmates curious staring.

"Now, Takei-kun! Do you mind showing the class your quirk? I can explain what it does." Ms. Sasaki asks me, I nod my head, if a bit reluctant, and Ao-kun floats beside me, he's waving slightly as if to say hello. Some classmates make some 'awws' and Ao-kun hides behind me, Ms. Sasaki picks up a sheet of paper off her desk and clears her throat.

"Takei Miyo's quirk is called Will o' the Wisp. He can create small, blue, ghost like spirits that float in the air around him. He can send these ghosts towards people/objects they can see, causing the ghost to enter, and possess them. The target is then placed under Takei-kun's control. People possessed by these lights have their hair and eyes glow blue." Ms. Sasaki explained to the class, who were now looking at me warily.

Ms. Sasaki then said,
"Do any of you have question's for Takei-kun?" Almost half the class raised their hands, jumping up and down in their chairs. I hugged Ao-kun tightly, nervous as to what my classmates might say about me or my quirk.

Ms. Sasaki started to point at people and they said their question's.

"Can you make more than one ghost?", "Isn't that a bad guys power?", "It can't hurt us, right?", "Can you talk to it?", "You aren't going to possess us, are you?", "It sounds like a villains quirk!", "Are you a villain?", "You aren't going to use the ghost to scare us, are you?", "How many people can you use?"...............

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