Sports Festival And Dark Hallways! Fun...

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Miyo is thankful for doing sports that were based around his arms, because otherwise he would probably be struggling to hold Monoma up right now. He and Tetsutetsu are the two back horses, and Tsuburaba is the front horse, making Monoma the rider.

Their own teams' points are at a comfortable number of 575. The headband with the number is secured to Monoma's forehead. Their plan is to go for teams with low point totals and gradually ease into the top four without drawing too much attention from the other teams. It's a decent plan. Hopefully, they will manage to achieve their goal. Midnight cracks her whip once again to get everyone to focus on her and smirks just behind her microphone.

"All of our teams have been sorted! Shall we get to it now? Gives us the go ahead, Mic! "

Present Mic cheers from the commentary box.

"Woohoo!! I can't wait any longer! Go! GO! "

The majority of the teams immediately charge towards Midoriya's team, those on it being the boy himself, Uraraka, Tokoyami, and that pink haired support student. The group shoots off the ground and lands at the opposite end of the areana. Teams chase after the group like hungry sharks, but eventually they give up and start to go after each other. Bakugo's explosions and yelling can be heard on the other side of the areana, his team being the only ones to keep following Midoriya's.

"We should try taking Bakugo's head band."

Miyo gapes at Monoma's suggestion, refusing the idea completely.

"Take Bakugo's points?! No thanks, I quite enjoy living."

Tsuburaba and Tetsutetsu send Miyo strange looks, already turning in the screaming blonde's direction. Miyo's shoulders tense as they approach Bakugo's team, readying himself to create ghosts at any moment.

How is this a good idea? Wasn't our plan to go for lower points? I don't want to add star shaped scars to my collection!

Tsuburaba makes a thin walk way out of solid air and Monoma uses it to creep up on Bakugo. He snatches the head band. Bakugo doesn't notice the missing item until Present Mic announces his team is off the leader board and that team Monoma has taken his place.

The blonde screeches and froths at the mouth and makes his team charge towards Miyo and his teammates. When Miyo tries to resist turning into mist, he fails, and Monoma fumbles to stay on top of his teammates once Miyo's arm disappears.

"Sorry! My arm turned into mist! My body does that when I feel certain things! Sorry! "

Bakugo's team races after their team, hot on their heels, and Miyo is freaking out over the amount of time left, five minutes. Team Todoroki has cornered Team Midoriya in a circle of ice. Bakugo gives up chasing Team Monoma and forces their way into the small area with Midoriya and Todoroki's teams.

Miyo's arm slowly returns to normal, and he mutters one final apology to his teammates. They are in fifth place, not fourth. They won't make it into the next round. Miyo feels like shit. He messed up his teammates' chances of getting scouted by heroes. God, he's such a screw up.

The loud buzzer goes off, and Midnight calls the end of the round. She announces the teams making it into the next round.

"That's time! Team Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugo, and Shinsou advance into the next round! Students now have a thirty minute break to eat, drink and prepare for the next round! "

Miyo ducks his head when Monoma climbs down from his perch on their shoulders, too ashamed to meet his eyes. Two arms land on his shoulders. Tetsutetsu and Tsuburaba stand at his sides. Tetsutetsu squeezes Miyo's arm.

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