*Plays Mission Impossible Music*

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Shouto scans the place, a small glimmer in his eye's provides Miyo with the curiosity and joy from the other boy. The room is roughly the size of their classroom, the pinboards covering one wall have drawings and photos on display, the wall opposite of the boards is lined with shelving; books, figurines, old comics of sorts, and toys that look century's old on them.

Half of the floor is covered in blankets, pillows and cushions, but they're mostly tossed into the far corner with the lowest shelf being at arms reach. The wall that the door they came in is on is covered in multiple designs done in graffiti painting, the main colours used seem to be black, red, green, and, he thinks, a neon yellow or orange.

Overall, Shouto thinks, the room is comfortable and calming, for him atleast. The coziness of the space is pleasant and the clutter in here must've been personally chosen and arranged by Miyo. Maybe this is a place his friend uses to "get out", as the other put it over the phone earlier.

Miyo surveys the room, just making sure that everything is still in its correct place. Once he's done he wanders over the large number of blankets, grabs two of the folded ones and throws one over to Shouto before all but collapsing into the pile of soft materials in the corner of the room. Shouto comes over and joins him, minus the collapsing part, and Miyo begins showing the other his collection of pre-quirk DVDs, CDs, comics, and games.

- - - - - - - - - - -

They ended up dozing off at some point, Miyo doesn't remember when, but by the time he opens his eyes, he has several spam messages on his phone from Hitoshi, Hitoshi's mom's, Kaminari, and the class group chat. All messages appear panicked, worried, angry, or upset in one way or another.

Looking at the time on the top of his screen, he understands why they're acting like this. It's 11:38am. It's Wednesday. He and Shouto are meant to be in school. Fuck nuggets.

Turning to Shouto, he stops and looks his friend over; Luna is purring in her sleep on top of Shouto's stomach, his hair is all mixed up, with the red side mostly spiking up in all directions, and his hoodie has climbed halfway up his torso, which is exposing the boy's skin.

Holy- his abs man- What. The. Fuck? He's almost sculpted like a Greek God– Woah, slow down. Brain and teenage hormones, chill out. Let's wake Shouto up so we can, you know, tell the world that we're not dead in a gutter somewhere in the world.

Sitting up fully, Luna glares up at him briefly, but once she realizes who he is, she stretches out shortly and meows lowly at him before leaping up to his shoulder and reclaiming her spot in his hood. He feels her stomach rumble through the fabric.

She must be so hungry; he fed her last night just before he rang Shouto, but she hasn't had any breakfast! Actually, he might have some tinned food somewhere in here...

Standing on the warm blankets, Miyo works his way through his shelves and eventually finds some tinned fish that's still in date; he thinks he bought it during a small trip to the shop while he was visiting this this place. He dumps the fish into a cute little cat bowl, and Luna dives for it immediately. He sends a soft smile down to the feline, but then remembers what he was doing previously.

Maneuvering his way back to Shouto's side, Miyo bends down to wake his friend but freezes. Shouto had shifted while he was feeding Luna. Shouto's hoodie is now tugged all the way up to his collarbone, his whole upper body on display, and scars are scattered across his skin.

Most of the marks Miyo is able to recognize are discoloration on smooth, slim patches that must be from something that had previously cut open the skin, a knife or something similar, and splotchy, spotty areas that are most likely burns. These are the main types of injuries on his friend's body.

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