Media! Fuck those guys

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"Stupid press, with their stupid cameras, and their annoying microphones...."

Miyo shoves his way through the dense crowd of reporters, microphones and cameras being forced into his face at every step forward.

Hands grab and pull on his arms and clothes as he inches closer to the gate, then he's tugged back harshly and multiple people scream questions into his face from all sides.

"Is it true that All Might teaches here?"
"What course are you in?"
"What's your name?"
"What year are you in?"
"Tell us! What's it like having All Might as your teacher?"
"What have you learnt from All Might?"

There's a few more questions being said but it's almost impossible to decipher what anyone is saying, their voices overlapping each other.

He shakes in his spot over so many people forcing their way into his personal space, he attempts escaping but can't even manage to get a single step away.

In Miyo's brief panic he feels something coil around his waist before he is practically ripped out of the reporters vicious holds.

A pair of hands land on his arms and he looks up at their owner, it's Aizawa, tension gradually slips out of his body.

"Thanks for saving me from the vultures Mr. Aizawa, you're a lifesaver." Miyo thanks him while keeping his eyes locked on the vast numbers of reporters crowding the front gate.

"Anytime kid, we all hate them, do you think any of your classmates are trapped out there too?"

"I heard Iida, I think I saw either Aoyama, Kaminari or Bakugo but there was no explosions so it was probably Kaminari or Aoyama. I might have seen Uraraka and Midoriya? There were a few other students from the other courses too..."

"Alright," Aizawa sighs deeply, it's one of those sighs for when you're just done with the world and it's bullshit, "You head inside, I'll be there soon enough I just have to try rescuing the other students. Make sure Bakugo doesn't blow up anyone or anything until I get there."

Miyo nods to him before turning and going inside the building. He arrives at the classroom about five minutes later. Not including himself, under half the class is here.

There's Todoroki already sat in his seat, Aoyama is looking into his reflection on his phone -Are there sparkles floating around him?-, Bakugo brooding at his desk, Yaoyorozu is reading a huge book -Is it on quirk science!? I wonder if I could talk to her about quirks later- at her desk, Hitoshi is already napping at his desk -which is just rude, he gets to nap while knowing that he abandoned me to the vultures- , then finally there's Jiro, Tokoyami, Ojiro and Shoji talking quietly at the back of the room.

Miyo dumps his bag at his desk and heads over to Todoroki. Miyo sits backwards in the seat in front of the dual haired boy with his arms crossed over the back of it.

"How did you manage to avoid the vultures outside? Their extremely persistent with their question's.."

"I came in early enough to avoid them, they only started showing up about forty minutes ago. Did they hurt you in anyway?"

Miyo shrugs his shoulders in response.

Before he can say anything else the classroom door swings open, in strides Iida, Uraraka and a washed out looking Midoriya.

Shorty after them a dazed Kaminari stumbles into the room and collapses onto his chair, a grumpy looking Sero tumbles in right behind the electric blonde. Miyo decides to head back to his desk.

Another minute passes and in waltzes Kirishima and Ashido, a worn out Sato drags himself to his desk soon after them.

Lastly Hagakure and Asui calmly enter the room and head straight to their desks, Aizawa comes in last, shutting the door behind himself and he then stands at the front of the room.

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