Goofy Boys

128 11 23

A couple hours pass and Miyo looks up from his completed homework, the clock shows that it's just after eight in the evening.

"Ari and Manami should have gotten home by now...."

Miyo stands from his desk and head downstairs to the kitchen, where he finds Hitoshi with an absolutely monstrous mug filled to the brim with coffee.

Hitoshi looks dead to the world and just blinks lazily at Miyo then he picks up the mug, brings it to his mouth, and fucking chugs the whole thing in one go.

"Holy caffeine Hitoshi! Did you wait for the exact moment I entered the kitchen to down it like a vodka shot? Disgusting. You drank it so fast that you didn't even enjoy the bitter taste... God, did you unhinge your jaw while drinking that? "

Miyo scowls at the now grinning Hitoshi before turning to grab a fruit from the fruit bowl on the counter. Hitoshi speaks from behind him,

"Ari came in awhile ago before leaving again. She and Manami are having a date night tonight. So it's just you and me until they get back sometime tomorrow morning. She signed both of our permission slips for the trip on Friday too."

Miyo hums and gives the other a thumbs up. He sits down at the table beside Hitoshi and pulls out his notebook and pen.

Hitoshi glances curiously at the paper and just gives up when he sees that Miyo has literally come up with a code to write in.

"Just how? When did you even come up with a code to write in?"

Miyo just slouches slouches in his seat as a reply. Hitoshi knows that this means Miyo isn't to be pushed any further on the topic, so he let's it go.

The purple haired boy pats Miyo on the back then rises from his seat and creeps back to his room, closing the door softly once he's inside.

Miyo spends another half an hour writing in his notebook before heading to bed for the night.

"Hopefully he'll be able to sleep. Ha, chance would be a fine thing..."

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

On Thursday morning Miyo wakes up to a face of cat and ghost, Luna and Ao must have snuggled up to him during the tiny portion of sleep he managed to get in between four and whatever time it is now.

The clock says its just gone five... Miyo's going to end up ripping his hair and eyes out over his lack of sleep. He flings his covers off himself and sits up fully on his bed.

Luna and Ao tumble into his lap and both glare up at him, unimpressed with being woken.

It's quiet, not the warm and comforting kind of quiet though. It's a more of a stressful and annoying kind of quiet. The orange-y and yellow glow from the street lights outside cast mildly disturbing shadows through the window.

He just sits there for a while, not keeping track of the minutes passing or the gradual brightening of the sky outside.

Miyo huffs and throws on his uniform, Ao slides into his jackets chest pocket and promptly goes back to sleep. Exiting the bedroom, Miyo heads down to the kitchen.

The lights already on and Hitoshi looks to be in the middle of making himself coffee.

"Make me a cup too, would you? I think I'll need it..."

Miyo flops down into a seat at the table and thumps his head on the smooth, cool surface. A heated cup is placed beside his head shortly afterwards.

"You are a god sent Hitoshi. I would die for you. I will assist you if you need help to hide any bodies you may have."

#1 - Life's Not Fair(Was It Ever?)Where stories live. Discover now