Familiar Faces

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Trying to relax his shoulders, Miyo hobbles down toward the open door. Jin walks in front of him, and Mr. Compress is behind. Jin enters the room first, and Miyo takes a calming breath before stepping into view of those inside the room. The faint voices arguing lowered their volume before stopping completely.

Miyo looks around the room: the dark misty person with yellow eyes from the USJ stands behind the bar along the wall to the left of Miyo, there are stairs to the left of the doorway that lead somewhere upstairs in the building, presumedly bedrooms and bathrooms.

Dabi has claimed the booth in the far corner of the room as his resting spot, Jin is after sitting down on one of the closer bar stools, and there's the light blue haired male from the USJ sitting on the grey sofa facing the TV in the middle of the wall opposite to the bar. He's not wearing any of the hands from the USJ.

Those red eyes seem to stare through Miyo as he takes another shaken step into the room. The misty person behind the bar flickers, turning a lighter shade of purple, and their yellow eyes widen a fraction, drifting over to the male sitting on the sofa.

Miyo takes another step, his eyes scanning over the man on the sofa. His light blue hair reaches halfway down his neck; he must have some sort of skin condition judging by the amount of dry, cracking, and irritated looking skin on his neck and surrounding his eyes. A small diagonal scar on the left side of his lips looks a few years old, and a beauty mark under the right side of his lip sticks out on his pale skin.

Then there are his red eyes; they don't look real. The inner parts of his pupils fade into a smoky grey that feels familiar to Miyo in a way that makes him actually relax.

They're the same grey that Tenko's eyes were.

Then something else catches Miyo's eyes; the thin bracelet on the males wrist, a single circle on it has "M" carved into it.

Miyo recognises that bracelet, his own bracelet with "T" on it was the pair that he and Tenko had got during one of their last outings together.

"Tenko? You're alive?"

The whisper leaves his mouth before he can stop it, and the male on the sofa hunches forward slightly, those red eyes never leaving Miyo for a second. Miyo takes one more step forward, only now noticing that he's right in front of the sofa, and he feels his eyes begin to water.

"Y-You're fucking alive? After hiding from everything for years, you're actually still here? You asshole!-"

Miyo's legs drop out from under him, making him tumble forward and onto the wooden floor, his crutches long forgotten. His hands land on the male's shoulders, shaking from so many feelings that Miyo can hardly think straight. The male's mouth hangs open slightly; a hurricane of emotions mixes in his eyes, and tears begin to stream down his face too.

"How could you have left me? Why did you leave me? Where were you when I needed to be saved, Tenko? Do you know how many times I thought of running away just to try finding you again? My Mom didn't remember you. My Father didn't remember you. Your neighbours called the fucking police on me after I had found your house again, and I had stayed there for hours once I had discovered the pile of rubble that remained of your house! "

Shaking Tenko with his hands, Miyo's fingers start to curl into the thin fabric of his top, and he tugs the other forward and into a bone crushing hug.

"You could have taken me with you. We could have left together. I had to spend hours locked in those fucking closets at school and at home because you weren't there to save me. I had to cower behind my mom as my father hit us over and over again. I had to watch as he used his shitty quirk on her, and I, I had to hope that someone would notice the torture we were going through."

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