Chapter -3

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A boy was talking in phone lying in his king size bed “what a party?  Where? “After listening something he said "yah dude am on". After finishing this conversation he dialed another number and informed about next day’s party. Whoever was other side denied then he asked if he is coming for tomorrow's havan in home he again got a negative answer. Then desperately he said " Shaan I want to meet you. " Shaan smiled and said "you are such a dramabaz Lucky. Meet me today evening in coffe caffe day Parksteet". Lucky cut the call with smile and started paying vedio game. 

On the other hand Sharmistha with her daughters left house for their separate destinations. Sharmitha is attached with an orphanage. Thrice in a week she usually go there for regular checkups of kids free of cost. Today before going to hospital duties she planned to go there. Ragini has annual funtion of her school next week and Swara's band will be performing in a concert day after tomorrow so both the girls were busy for preparation. 

When Sharmistha entered the orphanage, she noticed a young man was sitting with children and telling them stories. She smiled to see him. She adores this boy a lot. He has gone through a lot of pain. Before few years there was a young girl who came to this orphanage from the NGO associated with it named Kabita Chatterjee. This young man was her fiancé he used to came here to meet her and befriended with children. She heard from Kabita that he left his home for her as his family never approved their relationship and started a PR Company along with 3 friends while doing his MBA from IIMC. Before 3 years one day they came to know that kabita is suffering from a deadly disease which don't have a treatment in India. Her family shifted to US for her treatment after one month they informed him that she died. Sharmistha had seen him broken in her memory then he came to her for counselling and she was happy to help her. Then he stood up again and became a workaholic he established his company in a higher position in very less time than various reputed farms and companies. He didn't went back his home, only his brother and 5 close friends were his support system all those years. He every year donates a huge amount of money to this orphanage in her memory and spends his free time with these kids.  She and Shekhar both met with him several times they wanted to have him every happiness. If they had a son they wanted it like him. 

She went there and said "Sanskar you are in this time today?? Don't you have office today?? ". Sanskar turned and said “o aunty I cracked a big deal today morning so brought some chocolates and toys for kids." "Congratulations. Did you inform your family?? ".  “Yes aunty. I called lucky and talked to mom too. Aunty you and uncle were a parent figures for me in these years bless me so that I can do better than that". "Our blessings are always with you. You are a son everyone would love to have. Your mother must have miss you a lot. “He replied “she is. I miss her too. And befor you ask I am not ready to go home yet. But now I talk to them if I meet instead of avoiding “she said” that’s good but don’t you think it’s high time you think about give them a chance?  It's been 3 years". “May be aunty but I need some more time. " she smilled sadly and said “I wish somebody came in your life who could make you understand things better." “Aunty you are talking like mom." "Because I am like your mom and both wants your peace and happiness.  Hope for the best. “He said "okk. But now I have to go. Bye.  See you soon".  She waved and said "bye beta". 

While driving to his office again he was thinking about Sharmistha aunty's words. His mother also said those types of words today morning when he called to give news of his deal. Only she said "take your time to come back home but came back. Your mom is waiting for you. “His thought broke to see a crowd in the side of the road. He stopped the car and got down to see the matter. There was an injured unconscious young boy lying on the road along with some damaged musical instruments. Two girls were struggling to handle both him and instruments. People crowded there were passing advices and comments but nobody dared to help. Suddenly one of the girl snapped "if you can't help then please stop commenting". One man said " it was a hit and run case. A police case you have to wait here for police. “He thought really people are insensitive now a days. Again that girl said "oh really so that his treatment can get delayed and it affect his health." he went through the crowd and step in to help them.  "Excuse me. I have a car. Let me take you all to nearest hospital. We will inform police from there." He helped them to get into his car along with the boy and settled those damaged instruments in back." They drove to nearest hospital. Doctor said nothing to worry. He will be discharged tomorrow.  He had only a few light wounds. He became unconscious because of shock. Sanskar managed police with ease. 

After he became conscious all 3 of them went to meet him. One girl said him “Neraj he saved you today and managed police also". Neraj thanked him again and again. He really felt embarrassed at that. Neraj asked the other girl who answered crowd that time "Swara drams and keyboard are damaged.  We can't perform without them." Swara replied “getters are saved.  I and Sneha will go to instrument store if they can fix.  Otherwise we have to do it with getters and violins. " Sneha said "Swara you really think with only getters and violins we can perform. We need every instrument. And that instruments shop will not give it back in this short’ time. We have our concert day after tomorrow. " Sanskar interfare " I know a shop where they can fax those in short time.  Your instruments are really expensive and fine. " Swara holds his hands in gratitude and said “you are a life saver". They left for that shop. With his influence they agreed to hand it over next day itself. Sanskar handed swara his card and said “I am Sanskar Maheswari. Keep my card if they don't deliver you your instruments tomorrow. Give me a call. Can I give you a lift?? ".  After giving them a lift to their university he left for his office. 

After spending a light evening with his Lucky aka Laksh he went to hospital again to check. All band members with his family and girlfriend of that wounded boy were present there. All of them gave him a round of thank you s. while returning to his luxurious apartment he gave Swara a lift to her home as it was on his way. She was rehashing in the car closing her eyes.  Sanskar was mesmerized by her melodious passionate enchanting dedicating voice. He looked at her properly. She is a medium height extremely beautiful girl. She is beautiful without any makeup. She has a milky white completion, black silky straight hair tied in a ponytail, lotus like caramel eyes, sharp nose and chery red full lips. Her face is small and childlike. She is a fierce girl but while signing she looks so calm and angelic. She was wearing a pair of jeans and black genii. Left hand was adoring with a big dialed fastrack watch while right one with lots of wooden bangel. There were 2 stud in her ears. After ages he heard somebody singing with dedication and devotion. 

When he came back in his apartment after dropping her he went to fetch his own getter from store room and sang to himself after so many years.  That night he slept with a smile as he remembered her song as well as his own instead of his ex-girlfriend. 

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