Chapter 9

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After that Instead of the office, he went to his apartment and in rage tore off some of Kabita's photos and kicked away all of their gifts. He told kaka to box them and throw he don't want to see them when he will come back and left with his car keys. 

Kaka was afraid to see his anger after so many years but happy that he is moving on. Throwing Kabita's gifts means a lot. He lived these years with help of those and now it means he doesn't need them anymore he quickly boxed them and gave security to donate or throw.

 Meanwhile, he was roaming aimlessly in the rods of the city. He came there where that very afternoon they had that conversation which caused the end of their friendship. He was angry with himself why he behaved like that with her why he pushed her away from him why he himself endanger their friendship so what she said those words he could make her understand slowly and logically. She gave her points but he again behaved on impulse and was on the verge of losing the one person who dared to tell him the truth. 

He never realized that when Swara's friendship became more important for him than Kabita. He thought about her words and for the first time. He thought of them without emotion and with logic. He didn't feel any pain while thinking about his past for the first time he freely thought about his past his actions and her actions. He thought about Swara's each and every word carefully. He didn't understand why in the middle of the night his car moved towards Aradhana Complex which is Swara's home. After spending some time there, in the early morning he came back and sang for himself for a long time. 

 The next day after so many days he went to the orphanage to talk to his Sharmistha aunty. He knocked on her cabin door "are you free aunty?" Shamita saw him tense and signed him to come inside and seat. She finished her work in hand and then looked at her. "Tell me what bring you here today? You look tensed" he first told her the first half of his and Swara's convention and her suggestion without mentioning her name. And how he fills it right." Sharmitha said "thank God there is someone to put sense in your head. When you realized your fault and liked her suggestion then where is the problem? Start doing it."

 He said "that part was right I understood but she told more aunty. She told Kabita was not right for me our relationship was not right." And then he told her about the whole exchange and asked if was she right.

Sharmitha said "so someone dared to touch your wound and brutally showed you the mirror. She was right to some extent you also realized that and that's why you are seating in front of me all tense. Kabita was a sweet girl but never a fighter she always wanted things for herself in the easiest way you can say a little selfish. 

Yes, she and her family brainwashed you for her sake only they never thought about either you or your family. This was also right she monopolized you. You used to miss your music, long drives, friends, and family those days. She had seen your carvings for them but she never allowed you to return back. She wanted all your time and you for herself. She was not a bad girl but not suitable for you. 

She was good enough to give you the motivation to do something on your own but bad enough to cloud your thoughts. So I will say you could, can deserve much better than her who can give you everything you cherish not take away things from you. Your friend was neither wrong but nor entirely right. But I really thank her to give you these things to consider." 

He sadly smiled at her and told "thanks aunty. A stone removed from my heart. I wanted to tell you something I started to sing again from a few months back. Sharmitha smiled genuinely "so she brought back music in your life. That's a good thing you have to sing for me one day. But will you please tell me why are you still fighting with yourself if all problems are solved?" 

He smiled and said "you know me very well aunty. I Am confused that her friendship became more important for me than Kabita. I am afraid that she is becoming part of my life so rapidly and changing my priorities. I am angry at myself for behaving so rudely toward her and hoping against hope that she will forgive me and remain my friend. All those emotions together are so much frustrating." 

Sharmitha heard all his vocalize thoughts and then gave him a pleasant smile "it's good that you are moving on dear. She makes you meet with your old self which was the actual you. See you are becoming old Shaan again for good. Kabita is your past and she and her friendship is your present. Don't fight with yourself for trying to hold your past flow with the time. Live with your present and create a beautiful future. She will forgive you she expected that behavior from you. She knew you well and she knew what she was doing. So go meet her and apologize before late." 

This time he smiled genuinely and said "thanks aunty you are a lifesaver. Bye" before he leave the cabin Sharmitha called him "one advice. Try to find the depth of your feelings for her." She understood he is falling in love with his this friend but didn't tell him just gave a hint and let him figure it out by himself. After going home she discussed it with her husband and both of them were happy for him and prayed that they came together soon.

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