Chapter 31

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Gadodia and Maheswari family met for the purpose to fix Laksh and Ragini's marriage. Now Shekhar and Sharmistha finally trust Laksh and think he is worthy of their daughter. They wanted this marriage to be a big issue as they have doubts that ever Swara will marry, that past sad incident has a deep effect on her but both Ragini and Laksh wanted a simple marriage.

 Ragini was clear about her feelings now she knows that she started to love Laksh and wants to spend her life with Laksh. Laksh other hand considers Ragini a very good friend and thinks she will be the perfect life partner for him as she understands him so well. 

So, the environment of the Maheswari family was very happy, within some time then the priest will come to fix the date, and Parineeta was busy keeping sweet ready for the happy moments Adarsh and Laksh were giving teasing glances to Sanskar as next will be your term. Swara was seated with Ragini giving her courage who was a little nervous about the upcoming new life and sad with the thought that she has to leave her family behind within a few days.

 Suddenly all the lights of the hall went off. Everyone was curious about what must have happed and why all lights went off and started to enquire. but before anyone leave that place a projector screen came alive showing one after one picture of Shaan and Swara. Their cozy, happy moments. In some pictures, Lucky and Ragini were also present. Those pictures clearly said about their relationship as they contain their passionate hugs, kisses, Swara in Shaan's lap, Shaan lying in Swara's lap, cozy romantic moments etc. There was no chance they could brush it off saying they are friends only.

 When the projector screen went off and the lights came back everyone saw Sujata standing beside the projector, it was clearly visible that both the families were surprised and shocked to see those pictures, and many emotions were running through all elders' minds. Sujata saw their numb face and changing expressions and become happy with herself she has done her job now she will enjoy the show. 

Every eye searched for the couple who was the center of attraction now, Shaan and Swara by the time were standing together entwined their fingers with each other head straight towards other. There was no glimpse of guilt visible in their feature though they were not ready to tell the elders yet and it was unexpected that they were ready to face everyone with full confidence. 

Durga Prasad turned towards them "explain, you two woe us an explanation." Shaan was little relaxed to see his father's calm expression after that slide show. He started "1 year back at a road accident spot I met Swara where her friend was the victim, I helped them to admit him and fix their musical instruments and as a gratitude, she invited me to attend their show. She brought music back into my life and we become friends. With time we came close and she pull me out of my lonely life and taught me to live again, she convinced me to embrace happiness again, and don't know when I fell in love with her and as a blessing of God she reciprocated. After 2 months of our relationship we thought to disclose but out of the blue Lucky and Ragini's alliance was fixed so we thought to tell about us after the marriage. I only want to say I love Swara a lot, she is the air I breathe but we will not go against your wish." 

Swara opened her mouth "Aunty, Uncle I know how much you suffered and I promised I will never allow Shaan to do anything against you all and chose me over family. Ma, Papa I am sorry that I hid the biggest truth of my life from you but I didn't have any wrong intention." 

Adarsh, Laksh Uttara everyone tried their level best to convince the family that Swara is the best thing to happen to Shaan, they should be grateful to her for giving Shaan back to them and she is a very good person. On the other hand, Ragini too was trying to make her family understand that it was Shaan who helped Swara to forget the past completely and move towards a happy life and that he is best for their Shona.

 At a point, Durga Prasad raised his hand to make them silent "I see you all were aware and supported them. But you all disappointed us. Now please let us elders talk."

 He turned to Gadodia Family. Shekhar and Sharmistha already composed themselves but senior members Ragini and Swara's grandparents were still dazed, they knew where their daughters concern Shekhar and Sharmistha will only take decisions and they had to agree. They liked Sanskar somehow, they felt that he is capable to tame their Jhalli granddaughter Swara but somewhere unsure of marrying both sisters in the same house with brothers.

 Durga Prasad faced Shekhar "Shekhar Ji before we say anything, we want to know your view about them." Shekhar turned to Sharmistha then said, "I and Sumi knew Sanskar for long before all these started, from that time we like him and love him like a son so we don't have any problem trusting him with our daughter or their relationship if you don't have a problem."

 Sharmistha said, "I have seen various phases of Sanskar's life and know how much happy they both are with each other and what they mean for each other we don't want to be obstacles in their life with the condition if you all agree." 

Shaan and Swara still standing together holding each other's hand tightly looked towards Shekhar and Sarmistha silently thanking God for making them so much understanding and for their support now one more hurdle to cross. 

Durga Prasad and Annapurna looked at each other they knew now everyone was waiting for their response they smiled and walked together towards the accused young couple. Durga Prasad kept one hand above each of their head conveying his blessing to their relationship "Swara Beta you are a daughter to me always, I wanted to thank you for coming into our life, bringing Shaan back to us and becoming a cause of happiness in our family." 

Annapurna smiled widely "I had the dream since I saw you both singing together, thanks Shaan for fulfilling my dream without even giving me the trouble to convince you. Ragini beta please come and stand beside Swara." 

Sanskara's features become relaxed and he let out the breath he has been holding, Swara becomes all teary in happiness and Laksh clicked the codec moment. Ragini did what was told and Annapurna caresses both their faces "Ambe Ma fulfilled my dream to get Swaragini as my daughters we should arrange a haven to thank God." 

The confusion of giving both daughters to one family washed off from their grandparent's minds after seeing this warm welcome. Shekhar came towards Sanskar and thanked him for making Swara happy and described his helplessness as a father when he had to see her suffering. Shaan said it was his responsibility and that he will keep Swara happy and safe always. Parineeta brought sweets "So we can get a double wedding now." 

Shekhar instantly becomes upset by the thought of both his daughters leaving him so soon. Shaan intervened "sorry Bhabhi to burst your bubble. I already share my birthday with Lucky and don't want to share my anniversary also (then turned to his father) Papa Swara has her final semester in 4 months and I want her to complete her studies before we get officially engaged and get married. We will not keep many gaps between our engagement and marriage. I want to wait for 4-5 months by the time she can be over with her exams, I can short out some professional goals I set and uncle and Aunty will get time to adjust to the situation not having both their daughters around them always." 

Shekhar tanked Shaan through his eyes for being so understanding and supportive he said "Durga Prasad ji as per Laksh and Ragini's wish we kept their marriage functions simple but I want a grand lavish engagement and wedding for these love birds." Durga Prasad smiled widely and said he also want that. When all were in the happy universe their happiness become interrupted by the sounds of claps they turned and see an enraged Sujata.

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