Chapter 21

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From the next day, only Laksh tried his level best to make him better in every respect. He left drinking regularly and involved himself in work seriously. From the next month, Laksh and Ragini frequently met each other obviously Swara was always there with them. Shaan also sometimes accompanied them. 

One day he proposed to let Laksh and Ragini spend some time alone which Swara refused. She understood that Laksh has been changed but her protectiveness towards her sister didn't let her trust him so easily. Both Ragini and Shaan tried to make her understand there is no problem with letting them leave alone. Only Laksh understands her protective feelings and love for her sister. He could relate to that because he also has that thing for his brother.

 He said Shaan to give her some time to trust him and he has to win his trust back. But Shaan was frustrated with her as he saw his brother's continuous efforts to change him and win her trust. He was also upset that for Swara's continuous watchman duty he didn't get her much for the last month. They are having regular arguments these days.

 He thought that she isn't trusting his beliefs and views it was the most difficult situation for her to choose between the two most important persons in her life. She want to believe in his beliefs but couldn't after that night. She tried to trust him again and with time Laksh win back her trust. When she realized her fault it was too late for Shaan. He was too angry with her to listen to her apologies. Finally, he cut her off, refused to take her calls, and reply to her SMSes. 

Two days spent like that and she left eating and sleeping. She always remained restless and upset. Dark circles started to form under her eyes and she lose weight. Ragini noticed her sister's condition, lack of her incoming phone calls, and her desperation to contact someone. She understood her sister was in love with her special friend and for some reason, they had no contact or he was avoiding her. She was angry with herself for not giving proper attention to her sister's life. Not to inquire properly about the guy she was meeting regularly and who become so special to her. 

Ragini tried to talk to Swara who refused to tell anything. Swara was dying to share with her Di but Shaan don't want to disclose it for his brother so she remained silent. The next day Ragini was supposed to meet Laksh but she said she wants to spend time with her sister who protested. 

Laksh met a worried Ragini the next day as per his quarry she said "I am worried for Swara. She is passing through a bad phase. Last two days she left eating and sleeping properly. Today early morning she left home and didn't go either in university or her rehearsals. She kept her phone switched off so I couldn't contact her." 

Laksh understood her concern and said "You should inform the police anything can happen to her. Did your parents know?" She said "Papa is out of town and Ma also noticed that. No, we couldn't inform the police we have to wait till night as she did it before also when she was upset and wanted to stay alone. She is doing it after a long time which exactly worried me as I guess something big happened with her."

 He was sympathetic with her as he also faced an emotionally broken brother in past. He felt affectionate to Swara who become a sister to him nowadays from when they started to understand each other. They talked about her. After sometimes Shaan joined them. He saw only both of them so he said to Ragini sarcastically "So your sister is not accompanying you today?"

 Lucky answered "She left us alone from last week. Don't be mean she was just protective towards her sister. I myself brought that on me and now we are sharing a great bond from when we understood each other's perspective. Frankly speaking, I enjoy her company". Hearing about her sister Ragini's eyes became moist and a teardrop fell from her eye. Laksh handed her a tissue and said "You should ask her friends if anyone know her whereabouts."

 She with a broken voice said "I asked a maximum of them and got the same answer that they don't" Shaan was puzzled at this point and asked, "what happened?" Laksh answered "Swara is in a bad state for a few days she has neither eat nor sleep properly for the last two days and is extremely weak both mentally and physically. In this state, she left home today early morning and missing till now. Nobody knows anything about her. So Ragini is very much worried."

 Shaan's world come crashing down his angle his beloved was suffering in pain and he ignored her in his anger. She is missing in her most weak state and he is sitting here talking calmly. If anything, happen to her then what will he do? It's all his fault he felt immense pain in his heart. He somehow controlled his tears and said "let me see if I can find her. If I get her I will let you know. Lucky you take care of Ragini."

 He hurriedly left the restaurant and broke down in tears in his car. He controls himself with great difficulty and went to search for his Swara in every possible place. After one hour of frantic search, he found her sited on a bench of Princep Ghat where they fought for the first time. She was sitting there completely lost in thought.

 As he neared his car Swara looked towards him as she heard his voice. she frantically ran towards him without noticing the car coming to hit her. She was running through the main road and a car whose driver is busy talking on the phone with irritation is driving towards her without noticing. He shouted "Swara watch out" he stopped his car immediately and got down to reach her. With his voice, both Swara and the driver came to senses. That driver managed to slow down the car and she crossed the road much faster.

When she was safely standing in front of him he looked at her tear-struck face with black circles under her eyes and her weak features. He cursed himself for pushing her to do this with herself. If anyone causes his Swara any pain he became angry with that person now he himself was the reason for her pain. 

He asked "what were you doing? Is this a way to cross the road?" she nodded negatively "no that's not for those who value their life. Why should I value mine when my life himself was upset with me? I don't care if I die in your arms." 

He cut her "never ever talk about death. Do you understand? Don't you think about me? I can not survive that." She said "next time I will keep it in mind. I am sorry Shaan. I know your anger was justified. I have a trust issue after that incident I couldn't trust people easily with my loved one. I couldn't leave Di alone till I trust him. I know he is your brother you have seen his efforts much before me. Now I knew my fault. I behaved like an overprotective fool. Please forgive me."

 He was frustrated with himself. She was trying to apologize from last week and he misunderstood her and caused all this. He pulled her into his embrace "I am sorry Shona I should've listened to you. Please forgive me for being a jerk. I understand your mental turmoil darling. I am sorry" there were tears in his eyes she wept his face "I was never upset with you its my fault. Your anger was justified so don't blame yourself for anything. Can you forgive me and give me another chance?" 

he cupped her face "Shona I am not angry with you but please take care of yourself for me" she shook her head and both of them hugged kissed each other with all their pent-up emotions and curving for each other. 

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