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    "Trash... rubbish." The man carrying the snakeskin bag repeated it in a daze, his rusted brain couldn't turn around.

    "Don't you know that garbage needs to be sorted?" The man's slightly hoarse voice was sarcastic, "Since you don't know, then I'll teach you, such as—"

    He popped out like a cheetah, a sharp curved dagger. Reflecting a silver-white arc in the moonlight, the knife in his hand fell, only the dull sound of the clip falling to the ground could be heard, and the strange hunched waist dissipated like black smoke.

    "For example, the card dropped by killing you is recyclable garbage." The

    man blew on the dagger, and reached out to the girl who was trembling with his hands on his knees and looked up with slanted eyes.

    "Big, big brother, you, are you alive..." The girl was so frightened that her teeth were chattering, but she still stretched out her hand very earnestly and was rubbed off the lawn by him.

    "It's a living person." The night watchman closed his hood, took out a good mint candy from his pocket, and handed it to the girl, "Why is the little girl on the playground in the middle of the night?

    " , the little girl with half of the makeup on her face hung her head in frustration, and said a little embarrassedly: "Today I have a friend's birthday, so I went out to celebrate her birthday. When I came back, I found that my bedroom key was missing. I couldn't find it, I remembered that it might have fallen on the playground while watching a game at noon, so I came over to look for it at night, but I found this strange old woman who came to me and asked me for garbage."

    She took the candy aggrievedly . , put it in his mouth, and said vaguely: "I'm just here to find the keys, how could I litter, but she has no face... I didn't dare to speak, so I held my breath and tried to pretend to be dead to hide it.

    " His face turned red...

    Did you read some kind of poisonous science? For example, being chased by a bear can lie down and play dead?

    The night watchman sighed softly, his face hidden in the shadows had the charm of a mature man, he pointed to her "Dawn" watch: "Remember to go to the repair shop tomorrow to change it, it's probably a little hot inside. already."

    "Ah—? Oh." The girl replied dully.

    "Let's go, I'll take you back to the bedroom." He turned his head and left before he finished speaking.

    "Hey, big brother! What's your name? Why do you appear on the school playground outside at night? Are you an exorcist?" The girl quickly picked up her bag and chased after her, pouring herself out like a machine gun. question.

    The man in front seemed to be annoyed by her surrounding words, so he had to stop for a while and said, "Shut up and keep quiet. I'm Ye Su, I just happened to pass by." The     little girl took out a wet wipe from her backpack to wipe it. Wiping his smudged face, he said cheerfully, "My name is Wu Tiantian, I'm a third-year student of the Chinese Department, Brother Ye, aren't you from the Dragon Group? Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret. It's just that the person involved should go back and make a record..."   

  Ye Su took a deep breath: "Little girl, do you still want to go back to the dormitory?"    

 "Eh! My key?!" Wu Tiantian finally Remembering the purpose of this trip, he patted his head angrily, "If I go to the dormitory at this point to open the door, I may be hung on the wall tomorrow.     

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