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    [The inherent nature of this card is rather strange. If you want to exert your full strength, Master Host, you still need to study it a little bit. ] The system reminded bitterly, [If you go there rashly, without knowing the details of the enemy, other accidents are likely to occur. ]

    Wen Muqing's slender fingers lightly tapped on the card. On the back of the card was a shallow impersonation prompt: "Paranoid and sweet, I love books like my life, so I hate all electronic information."

    He repeated it gently, calm and gentle. There was a slight puzzlement on his face: "I love reading but I don't want to accept electronic information. This is still an extreme paper quality control. I can understand this. But can paranoia and sweetness be put together? What is paranoia? "Reticence" and "coldness "

    in the past can be explained literally, but "paranoia"...isn't the kind of killing people if they disagree? Oh no, that's violence.

    He turned on his brain and typed in the words "what is paranoia?" seriously, and the answer was "extreme and stubborn".

    "But it doesn't say who the object of stubbornness is?" Wen Muqing sighed, "What an incomprehensible little girl."

    System: [Do you need to offer an acting teaching course? You can audition a section. ]

    "Okay." The

    system released a video of "How to Master the Character's Psychological Techniques", and the well-dressed old teacher was talking about a series of theoretical knowledge, and he seemed to be well-informed.

    Wen Muqing has a dual purpose, receiving guests from time to time, and occasionally nodding in agreement.

    When it was almost time for dinner, a class had already been played, and the system that felt that the hidden potential points of the host should have been up was a little expectant: [How do you feel?]

    "Walk slowly." Wen Muqing showed a warm smile to the customer.

    After receiving a compliment of "Brother Wen, you look more and more handsome", he slowly said to the system:

    [I think what he said is very reasonable, I have been using this knowledge regularly. ]

    System: ... What are you using at ordinary times?

    Seeing that the system doesn't speak, Wen Muqing thought it was a good-hearted lesson, but he was frustrated when he found out that he had already learned it, so he comforted softly: "I can't blame you, I usually look for it. I have read many books on improving acting skills, and I have also bought courses to study, so I know a lot of theoretical knowledge. ]

    The system feels the long-lost suffocation.

    It was silent for a long time and said: [Host, don't be afraid of any difficulties in the future, failure is the mother of success, if it doesn't work, we will tear up the card. ]

    Wen Muqing slowly put a question mark in his mind, he flipped his hand, took the card back, and said: [Wait to accompany Aunt Shao to meet the girl first. I'll use the cards to find that man, and there's still time for me to think about it. ]

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