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Chapter 85

    Li Ziyue asked for leave after a long absence. In order to ask her roommate to help her ask for leave, she even shamelessly lowered her seniority.

    The last time she asked for leave was because she was greatly stimulated by the cross-level challenge at the Pingyu Art Museum, this time... it was still related to that incident.

    She closed the door with a guilty conscience, begged her roommate to help bring food, and exaggeratedly said that she didn't eat last night, and she was so hungry that she needed a large portion.

    The roommate walked out with a foolish expression on his face.

    Li Ziyue closed the door, turned around and breathed a sigh of relief, and began to struggle again.

    "What's the matter..."

    Students in the Combat Department always have a pile of medicines in their dormitory, a large box of medicines for bruises, internal and external use, but they know themselves well, not others' injuries.

    The curtains were drawn in the room, the lights were not turned on, and the visibility was extremely low, only the white jade flute that was shining slightly could be seen.

    Li Ziyue stepped on the carpet wearing cotton slippers, and walked lightly towards the bed.

    A man was lying on a single bed covered with floral blue sheets. His waist-length black hair was hanging loose, and his bloodless face not only did not lower his appearance, but added a touch of sickness and beauty to him. The cracked white jade flute was placed next to him, the tassels were scattered and intertwined with the black hair.

    Li Ziyue probed his head like a thief, even breathing a lot easier, and finally only dared to put the six-pointed star beside him.

    She didn't have the guts to take off this man's clothes at all, so she could only turn on the heating and air conditioner on a hot day, and forcefully dry it. She turned around and didn't find any wounds, so she had to gently put him on the bed first.

    I don't know what happened to my lord to get hurt like this... Could it be A-level weirdness?

    But what should I do now?

    Li Ziyue squatted down slowly, hugging her head in distress. Her intuition told her that this lord could not be discovered by the school, because her dawn was about to burst the moment he appeared.

    This way of appearing, adults must no longer be counted as human beings, but whether it is summoned objects or weirdness, they are not existences that can be discovered by the school.

    But if he stays awake, Li Ziyue doesn't think she can hide it for long.

    She sighed, turned around to look for the homework of the practice class she hadn't finished, and planned to take a step at a time.

    As soon as she turned around, she keenly heard some piercing sound. Without thinking at all, Li Ziyue squatted down violently, only to hear a "do" sound, and something was nailed to the wall.

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