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Chapter 81

    "Lin Ta?" Yang Yuecheng was stunned for a moment, "Is it your roommate, right?"

    Tang Guangyu nodded indiscriminately, he still felt his chest was tight, as if that unknown ball was still stuck in it.

    However, apart from the physical discomfort, he was more concerned about the fear in his heart.

    What did they say? How could this illusion end here... What's

    even more ridiculous is that he had been following Linta all the time, but he didn't realize that the two had arranged for him tacitly.

    But if Lin Ta wanted to harm him... Tang Guangyu didn't want to consider this possibility.

    The teacher next to Tivak adjusted his glasses: "Student Linta applied to drop out of school three days ago."


    "Eh... because he confessed to us that he intentionally attacked you in the middle of the night and made you unconscious , and there is a rule in the Tivak school motto, do not take advantage of the opponent's unsuspecting situation to launch an attack, and those who violate it will be persuaded to leave." The

    college does not prohibit students from exchanging ideas, and the combat department can pick up a hammer and casually walk on the road. Do it, but the premise is that the other party knows and acquiesces. Otherwise, if intentional casualties are really caused, then the responsibility will be great. 

    It was very rare for Lin Ta to voluntarily confess, but Tang Guangyu was indeed unconscious. In addition to the speed at which the former's parents appeared, the principal chose to acquiesce, and he quickly dropped out of school. 

    In the eyes of everyone, Tang Guangyu suffered an innocent disaster, not only because Lin Ta was punished, but also injured his brain and fell into a deep sleep for nearly a week.

     Tang Guangyu: "... was taken away by the parents?" 

    Isn't Linta an alien? Where are his parents from? ! 


   He suddenly remembered Ye Tingshen and others who also arrived on Earth, and Lin Ta was probably taken away by them.

    Seeing Tang Guangyu's agitated expression, the doctor yelled to dismiss the irrelevant people. Soon, Yang Yuecheng was the only one left in the room, and the rest went to the corridor to wait.

    Only then did Tang Guangyu learn that besides Tivak Academy and Shuguang, there were some reporters from the inner world who wanted to interview him, a client who fell into a coma at the beginning of school. After all, divination abilities are so scarce. After Fang Zhou didn't hide it, Tang Guangyu's popularity increased greatly.

    The people from Ark have also come here for a while, but in the territory of Huaguo, some people with ghosts in their hearts dare not stay for a long time.

    Tang Guangyu took a deep breath: "What do you want to ask me?"

    Yang Yuecheng realized that Tang Guangyu's coma was not abnormal after waking up. Most people would have short-term memory confusion and confusion when they woke up from a coma, but Tang Guangyu was very emotional, his eyes There is light, although there are also some puzzles, but there is no sense of confusion at all.

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