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    "Sneak attack~" The man whistled, and then the light of the props on his body flashed, blocking Wei Yu's attack.

    The tail feathers stained with black blood fell to the ground, as if falling metal, making a crisp sound.

    K floated up reflexively, trying to block the damage, but was hit in the face by W with a roll of gauze.

    "What time is it?" Wen Muqing asked knowingly.

    Irene glanced at Chen Xi: "One thirty in the morning."

    "Just right."

    The skill in [Wanderer] is "Happy", if you contact a child for more than three hours, the object will unconditionally agree to one thing, [Crane] boils down to It's not exactly a child, but it's effective even if it's in the right shape.

    Seeing the foolish man walking towards the weird place empty-handed, Irene gritted her teeth, held the whip in her hand, and was ready to strike if something happened.

    In the next second, what happened made people's eyes widen.

    The dense tail feathers disappeared into the air immediately following the man's words, as if they had just fast-forwarded to the end at the beginning, which made people feel unreasonably illusory.

    The next step was even more daring. He directly stretched out his hand to embrace the child under the quilt, and then stretched out his hand to gently pat the quilt.

    Irene clasped her hands a little nervously, grabbed Li's hair, and made him let out a cry of pain.

    K still wanted to move, but was grabbed by his younger sister, but he did not pull out with all his might.

    He couldn't help but argue: "I didn't intend to use my abilities!"

    "Don't be so loud, I need to use your abilities when I catch you!" W cursed, "Why are you joining in the fun!"

    Wen Muqing said softly, "Sleep Let's go." Then he directly hugged Wei Wei wrapped in the quilt, and stroked it a few times as if to lull him to sleep.

    When he turned his head, he saw that the group of capable users looked like they had seen cockroaches while eating, and happily raised their hands wrapped in quilts, and said to them, "You can leave tomorrow morning."

    As soon as W let go, K couldn't help but float to Wen Muqing's side, and poked his head into the quilt: "Doesn't this weirdness need to be eliminated? What can be used for recycling?"

    "He's just not suitable for staying here. In fact, he It is also a very easy to get along with." Wen Muqing added settings to his own cards with a smile, "You may have the opportunity to work together in the future."

    Several people who have already boarded the thief ship: ...

    It seems that this is different from what they thought .

    Wen Muqing asked W for a bandage and alcohol, then untied the blood-stained sheet in his hand, and wiped the blood on the crane's tail feathers with the bandage and alcohol.

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