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    Bu Jiu didn't know how he felt. He regretted his life, knowing that going to the A-level weird spot might be more dangerous than good, but Ye Shou will go, which means that Wen Zheliu, who poked his throat with the flute, may also follow.

    He touched his neck subconsciously, obviously he was able to speak, but the sharp tingling still existed. The image of Wen Zheliu hovered in his mind for a long time, and he remembered even a little detail clearly.

    There was a nice smell of grass and trees on his body, the soft sound of the jade pendant around his waist hitting the table, and those silver eyes with mocking malice.

    Bu Jiu took a deep breath, he felt that he must have encountered a demon in his heart, and he had to face the righteous master to survive the catastrophe like a novel of comprehension, otherwise no one could endure it if he dreamed every day at night.

    As soon as he comforted himself, he took the task logically and brainwashed himself, and joined the four-member team.

    Bujiu's ability is called [Construction], that is, he can visualize creations through the imagination in his brain, but the restrictions are very large, and he needs to understand the composition of all the materials in it.

    For this reason, he memorized countless structural diagrams, and he had to learn chemistry, metalworking and other subjects...

    It's a pity that Bu Jiu felt that he was not destined to be a top student, but he was given the ability to be a top student. After so many years of tossing, Apart from psionic guns and bullets, the only cold weapons he can create out of thin air are some.

    Fortunately, the psychic bullets do a lot of damage to Weird, and in addition, he studied under the master Gray Ivan of the fighting department at Tikwa College, so the journey has been smooth.

    Caviar (private chat): Brother, since you are also participating in the mission, can you just meet up at the entrance of the "Li Lane"?

    Bujiu replied OK.

    Since Wen Zheliu may appear, he will definitely not be at a disadvantage this time... At least his image should not be looked down upon by others!

    On this day, Bu Jiu put on the protective clothing prepared for him by the headquarters, and then tidied up his hairstyle, trying to make every strand of hair just right, and then he set off for the inner alley with his weapons full of confidence.

    Suzhou Province, Lidu, inside the "Li Lane" police station.

    Bu Jiu looked at the three uniformly dressed black robes in front of him, and fell silent. For a moment, the glitter of hairspray under the light made him want to put his coat on top of his head.

    "Did you... have an agreement?" He asked softly.

    Caviar smiled awkwardly: "Hahaha, you are Zero Nine, right? This is really an accident."

    Seeing his strange expression, Caviar comforted: "It's okay, the brothers of the night watchman haven't come yet, it's only three to two. Not obtrusive."

    Soon, the door opened again, and a man in a black cloak came in and greeted them.

    Others: ...

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