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    "Who is it targeting! Hurry up, hurry up and pull the person up!" Yang Yuecheng's hurried roar echoed in the suburbs, accompanied by the incandescent lights from the helicopter, a sense of nervousness grabbing the person's neck spontaneously.

    The faceless "figure in the picture" with the umbrella closed shuttled through the crowd at a very fast speed, the red skirt fluttered as if oozing blood.

    In front are five figures running like passing balls. A handsome young man in his twenties was held on his shoulders by his teammates, and his round face was fixed with a gnashing expression.

    A man with a long knife ran and waved the weapon in his hand. The red ying on the knife floated up against gravity, turning faster and faster. The afterimage formed a huge red circle, blocking the end.

    The "person in the picture" ignored the person trying to attack next to him, and his eyes were only on the round-faced boy who was being carried by his teammates, like a hunting dog staring at the food on the grassland and chasing after sleepless nights. , forming a bloody tear trough, greedy and weird.

    It rushed up and was stopped abruptly by the man with a long knife. His pale hand touched the handle of the knife, and a wisp of blue smoke appeared instantly. As if scalded by the fire, the paper hand rolled up from the edge, revealing black uneven lines.


    like a shriek from his throat, the man in the picture threw his umbrella into the sky, his long hair was automatic without the wind, the bloody clothes trembled, even the surrounding wind seemed to be stained with the smell of blood.

    It hooked hard with its other hand, and the long-knife man who had just gritted his teeth and shouted, "Take Xiao Shao away!", instantly turned into a wreckage as if it had been dismantled.    

 Seeing his teammates disappear in front of him like a bubble, Xiao Shao, who was being carried on his back, had his eyes cracked, and two hot tears rolled down from his paralyzed eyes, and even the whites of his eyes were dyed blood red.    

 "Minister Yang! I can't stop it!" The capable man next to the man with the long knife shouted in a brokenhearted voice, "This thing is not something that can be dealt with by humans, not by us!     

" Go with Xiao Shao!"

    Yang Yuecheng gritted his teeth, took out an electric baton-like thing from his sleeve, took the wide road to run forward, and threw the stick at Wei Wei.

    "B-level props." Dan Yunqing scratched his head sharply, "Ah, the Zhejiang branch is the only one!"

    The stick rolled in the air, turning into silver-white electric light, and it swiped directly like a trace. It broke the darkness and landed on the back of "the man in the picture", burning its black hair into big waves.

    The strangeness of foraging finally suffered a certain degree of heavy damage. It turned its head sharply, and a group of fuzzy faces directly faced Yang Yuecheng, and turned its direction and rushed towards him.

    Everyone's face changed greatly: "Didn't you say that this weirdness won't change the hunting target?! How come it has evolved now!"

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