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Chapter 92

    Dark Blue Palace.

    [...Ark is now in power of the main combat faction, and it is no exception to be able to continue this experiment. ] Wu Quan said, [They are very cautious, and there is no information about this on the star network. ]

    Wen Muqing is still using the mermaid card at this time, and the environment that fits perfectly with the sea water makes him feel comfortable, but the bad news he gets makes him a little annoyed.

    The silver fish tail stirred up vortices. He flicked the card up and down, and said to Wu Quan: [Dawn has noticed, and naturally is also watching their movements. If Hansen didn't do these things, I want to know The inside story will also be delayed for a while. ]

    This experiment is an evolution of Shao Cuihua's experiment. At that time, the "Ark" sent Xi Yan and others to Huaguo, and randomly dropped weird possessions on ordinary people, trying to create artificial weirdness in this way for easy control.

    But now, they no longer need to cultivate weirdness in advance and throw it on humans to absorb negative power. Instead, they use the most basic "eggs" and put them on high-level weird occasions to absorb weird pollution to promote the evolution of "eggs".

    How this "egg" was cultivated is unknown to non-researchers, but it must also require a lot of price, human, material and financial resources are indispensable.

    Wen Muqing didn't know that Fang Zhou and the others couldn't control these man-made weirdnesses, but he knew that the weird outbreaks were absolutely inseparable from this organization.

    Shuling used to arrange Xiyan to be the insider of WPO with the help of the contract, but Fang Zhou became more cautious after the energy source of the Antarctic Laboratory was lost. value.

    [In short... we can't let Ark go on like this. ]

    Wen Muqing let out a long breath, the bubbles rose up and melted into the sea water.

    The external enemies have not been resolved, but the human beings have begun to reorganize themselves. Fighting poison with poison is indeed a solution, but the premise is that the "poison" can be controlled and there is an antidote! This is nothing, how can we expect them to lose both?

    Wen Muqing felt that the "Ark" people shouldn't be ignorant of this truth, but they just took this evil path because of the interests of all parties.

    What is the simplest thing?

    Control violence with violence.

    It happened that they had been looking for a WPO for several months, and now it was time to fulfill their wish.

    Wen Muqing was thinking, and Wu Quan was eating electronic biscuits in his mind. As a data body that can travel through the star network, he can eat all the data, but he thinks the positive information tastes better.

    [Crack, click, blah blah blah. ]

    With a crisp voice echoing in his mind, Wen Muqing said with some headaches: [Are you eating potato chips? ]

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