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    The more curious Yang Min became, of course he wanted to see a different world, but this was no longer something he could participate in as a small detective.

    When he lived to middle age and struggled in society, he knew very well what he could not participate in, and the spirit of young people had long since disappeared.

    He squeezed the cigarette in his hand and extinguished it directly with his rough hands: "I will report it, and I will not interfere with this matter. But—how real was your conversation with that weird conversation just now?"

    "Qi Ming Under the lamp, the strange words were what he wanted to express in his heart." Ye Su's expression was indifferent, showing no joy, "I'm not a police officer, so it was a coincidence that I bumped into it this time, I'll leave the rest to you to investigate."

    The resentment of the deceased turned into something weird, and he still cried and explained everything under the "friendly" question of the night watchman. After all, it is a bloody and cliché plot, which cannot be avoided no matter what dynasty it is in.

    Online dating plus thousands of miles to send, but after meeting, I felt dissatisfied, so I designed such a fake drama that the hatch was not closed. It just happened to happen that the amusement park wanted to calm things down, so I fooled it.

    ——The sweet talk at first was that he didn’t care about gender, and even induced the deceased to undergo sex reassignment surgery.

    What a scumbag...

    Wen Muqing controlled the vest of the night watchman and Yang Min Yue simply agreed on a time and place, and a little depressed, he directly found a place to switch back to the main body.

    The system watched silently, watching Wen Muqing, who had always been smiling, seldom fell into negative emotions, and after a while, it said: [This is human nature. Greed, lasciviousness, selfishness, and hypocrisy have always been engraved in the bones. We can only blame the dead man for being so stupid that he believed the words of a netizen who he had never met. ]

    "You shouldn't say that." Wen Muqing casually took a piece of paper and squeezed it in his hand, and seriously said to the system, "I already know about the quality of human nature, but I am still an innocent person. Feeling sad about the death of a man—every loss of life is something to be sad about."

    "That man, you can't blame him all for being stupid, believing that there is nothing wrong with people, just the wrong person. You can only blame the scumbag. "

    The system only felt that Wen Muqing's remarks were naive and in line with his style. He was a little naive and naive, and he read it very clearly.

    Pretty good, it thought, as long as Wen Muqing kept going like this, it would be impossible for him to be led by the nose with cards. It would be much easier to save this devastated world. Otherwise, if the host lost control, it would have to take other measures. .

    The system thought that with Wen Muqing's soft and kind personality, it shouldn't be able to do anything. It was sad for a while that this matter passed, but it watched him open the interface again, staring at the energy.   

  "I'm going to draw a new card," he said. "Although the scumbag should be punished by the law, I think it's too cheap for him not to add some mental trauma to him. If he doesn't kill him, he should be half dead."    

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