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    Wen Muqing interrupted the Yin-Yang Hospital's "Holding and Hugging" without hesitation. It scolded "Scumbag" sobbingly, and then it became weak when speaking like a wilted eggplant.

    Wen Muqing gave up getting irrelevant information from it, and turned to look at Irene's actions.

    The beautiful woman made no effort to hide her charm. She chatted with the nurse for a long time with a smile on her face, and then walked around the whole hall before finding Wen Muqing who seemed to be disconnected at the stairs.

    She frowned indistinctly, and asked first: "Mr. L, did you find any clues?"

    Wen Muqing responded: "The patients in the hospital should not be in this building. Building No. 1 is the place for registration and treatment, but Obviously, there are no doctors and patients on duty."

    He asked naturally: "Did you ask the nurse for any news?"

    Irene brushed her hair: "It is unknown when this hospital was established, and the patients currently admitted There are 7 people in total, and they are arranged in Buildings 2 and 3 according to different risk levels, but the number of doctors and nurses is several times that of patients."

    "The missing ordinary people are called 'unqualified' patients and are sent to Building No. 5 is a sundry building, and No. 6 has just been built and has not been used yet."

    "That nurse is really strict. If I hadn't found out what she was doing, I wouldn't have been able to ask questions." Ai Lin turned her head and asked Wen Muqing, "Go to Building No. 4 to find ordinary people, or eliminate the weirdness first?"

    "You can go and rescue the people first." Wen Muqing said slowly, "It's better for Ms. A not to use her abilities on me."

    Irene put her hand down, apologized naturally, and then said, "Shall we go directly to Building No. 4?" The

    tall man gave her a nonchalant look, and walked outside with a big bag on his back.

    Irene pursed her lips and followed, feeling a little uncertain.

    Irene has always been proud of her keen observation skills. Among the ability users on this trip, she originally wanted to choose the person named "Li" as a teammate, but after meeting L, she changed her mind.

    This man looked very decadent, like a homeless man who could be seen everywhere on the street, but Irene couldn't see a trace of fear or tension in his eyes, as if he just entered an ordinary hospital to take a look at the scenery.

    ——On the contrary, there was scrutiny in her gaze.

    But along the way, L really didn't look for any clues, as if he knew to paddle with her, this attitude made Irene a little uncomfortable.

    There is always a kind of monkey who is trying to juggle to make money, and the people next to him not only watch by the way, but also enjoy the rewards.

    Wen Muqing didn't know that it was because his attitude of catching fish in the theater was too obvious, which made Irene a little suspicious of life, and even compared himself with a juggling monkey. He was sorting out the collected information one by one.

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