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    What does it feel like to be watched by God?

    The thought suddenly appeared in Hansen's mind, but he didn't have time to think.

    The blond god sat on the distant throne, and there was no emotion in the snow-colored pupils that reflected the sky and the ocean. Obviously they are looking at each other, but Hansen has an inexplicable feeling that he is looking at the ocean, while the deep sea is watching everything.

    "Chuck—" With a sound, like a warning from his heart, the dark blue palace carried endless pressure, prompting him to bend his head.

    Without any hesitation, Hansen bent his legs and knelt subconsciously on the blue hall.

    Not only him, but the other four people were not excited outside. Like the most devout believers, they slowly lowered their heads.

    "Who broke in." The words with elegant endings were spit out from his mouth, with incomprehensible meanings, Hansen could hear what he was talking about, but this was obviously different from the simple English after interstellar fusion.

    - Kind of like Old English.

    There is no unnecessary emotion, and even the tone of questioning seems to be announcing.

    Hansen's throat was slightly stalked, and his eyes were so painful that he didn't dare to close them. The sense of responsibility belonging to the captain made him subconsciously speak first. He was clearly at the bottom of the sea, and the sea water could flow freely from his mouth, but his voice was inexplicably dry: " We... are the team members sent by the United States to investigate underwater abnormalities."

    "The United States?" The god's voice carried a hint of doubt, "Is it a new country?"

    Everyone dared not answer.

    From the AD into the interstellar, human beings have gone through thousands of years. The United States has annexed so many countries and has long become a behemoth. Except for China, which has a deeper background, it is also known to everyone in the world. exist.

    But this sudden appearance of the underwater palace, the god who was sitting here alone, seemed to be puzzled from the bottom of his heart.

    United States - did not exist in the century in which he was active.

    Hansen suddenly thought of this possibility and couldn't help shaking for a moment.

    Weird is different from God. In the face of strangeness, most people hold the mentality of fear, panic and resentment, and there is only one way to eliminate it, so they will never hesitate and retreat.

    But in the face of the gods who are high above the dust, the subconscious reaction of most people who have no rebellious bones is to respect, worship, and even give their devout beliefs. Although they are all inhuman beings, the deep-rooted religious beliefs have changed most people's perceptions.     The initial stage of the strange awakening is the stage when religion is developing again. Many people in the know try to use their devout beliefs to "awaken" the so-called gods and create a future of "gods saving the world".     It is a pity that none of the gods have heard the desperate appeals of people, let alone come to the world, not even a dream.     On the contrary, many cults took the opportunity to develop, creating more weirdness, and eventually reap the consequences.     Hansen nervously explained the distance from the AD period, calculated the existence time of the United States, and then carefully asked: "Why did you come here?"     "Arrival..." The person on the throne chewed This word, chuckled, "It's also a good word."     "I came from another world and came to find my people." He slowly revealed a message that was enough to shock people's attention, "You stand up, Tell me something about this world."     Hansen and the others stood up in a daze, and told them rationally that they couldn't tell an outside god about things that belonged to this world and their country, but their bodies couldn't help but send out a signal of honor. prompting them to speak.     Possessing such a huge palace, powerful enough without harming any human being, can it prove that this otherworldly god is an existence that can be entrusted with faith?     Sometimes, the rationality and perseverance of human beings that they think are tough, will collapse the moment they open their mouths.     The final sobriety is often in an irreversible situation.

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