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    In fact, Wen Muqing soon discovered another way to use [Qing Xingdeng]'s new skill "Illusion".

    This so-called "believe is true" can be applied to other vests of the card, as long as there is one "believe", then even if other parties do not know, the illusion can also take effect.

    Therefore, he directly uses the robot "Rising" to make it "believe" that the pastry house is actually an abandoned building, which can have the effect of hiding the building.

    But Li Yi's mother, who was in the bakery, didn't know these things.

    As she wolfed down the pastries, she boasted of Ye Ting's deep kindness, without realizing that her initial defensiveness had been completely let go.

    "Hey, it's good to have your own storefront. Even if there are not many customers, you don't have to worry about starving to death. How can ordinary people like us work part-time all their lives and can't even afford a toilet!

    " I know who I follow, I can't get a fart if I stick it down, and I don't get good grades in the exam, I don't know what is the use of going to school."

    "Her father sometimes gets drunk and grumpy, and she cries like the sky is falling It made the neighbors think that something happened to us, we are not as obedient as her brother at all..."

    Ye Tingshen opened the book in his hand, and asked unintentionally: "You two children? How old is the younger one? "

    Little one, I will be in the first grade in the second half of the year." Li Yi's mother said unpreparedly, "His father drinks a lot, and I have other things to do. It is really exhausting for the two children to study. But that The girl hasn't learned well yet, I don't think she will be allowed to finish her studies next year, and it will save trouble if she works earlier."

    "There is still compulsory education." Ye Tingshen said lightly, "Children can't be beaten, Li Yi is still young, and he can Being sensible, getting along well will allow her to die for you in the future."

    Li Yi's mother's face changed: "Hey——you kid, how can you talk like that?"

    No one can see the little stars shining on the book in Ye Tingshen's hand. , the information belonging to the person in front of him condensed, leaving lines of black characters on the pure white paper.

    [Name: Shao Chunhua]

    [Age: 45]


    [Occupation: Homeless housewife]

    The last line of black words flashed, and it was displayed: [Gambling addiction, rigid thinking]

    A drunkard and a gambler, no wonder even the children in primary school I can't even get the fees.

    You must know that under today's compulsory education, ordinary public primary schools, as long as they pass the exam, are basically free to enroll, and only occasionally pay a few hundred dollars for tuition and miscellaneous fees.

    Ye Ting closed the book deeply, walked in front of Shao Chunhua, looked down at her from above, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and said something softly.

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