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    He lowered his head and shined the mineral water bottle on his face. With the lantern, he could vaguely see a red color moving with his movements.

    Caviar touched her eyelids, and said hesitantly, "Is this the mouse's blood?"

    "Is there any discomfort?" Wen Muqing asked, "I think you drank too much water."

    Caviar was at a loss He murmured: "But I'm still very thirsty..." The

    golden scales on his body did not fade away, and they spread on the surface of the skin, making his whole body golden, like a walking coin.

    Wen Muqing took out the light screen and scanned it at him, but no rare blood was found.

    In other words, the situation of caviar is not awakening, but another variation.

    Several other people became vigilant after hearing this question and answer, and they glanced at each other.

    Fortunately, the others haven't changed so far, except that Bu Jiu and Xie Shen's hair is thin and thin, and they look a bit miserable.

    The demon snapped his fingers, and a flame ignited at his fingertips. He muttered something silently, the surrounding air became warmer, and the fatigue on several people disappeared.     He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, "A-level weirdness suppresses me quite a lot

    . I feel like I get chills when I use my abilities."

His ability only made the fish scales on his body disappear, but it didn't make his eyes change back.

    After just a while without drinking water, his lips began to turn pale and even peeled.

    —like a fish out of water.

    There was another sound outside the door, which seemed to threaten their passive attitude of avoiding war.

    Wen Muqing looked at the lantern in his hand, and the light from the lantern shone on them. Although there was a clear signal that they had been "purified", they were helpless against the changes in their bodies.

    This shows that this is not a change caused by external weirdness, but that they have made a mistake themselves.

    "Let's go, let's go in and have a look." Wen Muqing said proactively, "No matter what happens now, as long as we can get out, we still have a chance to solve it."

    Several people agreed.

    Although the house in this alley is not big, it is neatly divided into two lands. One side is neatly planted with garlic sprouts, vegetables and other plants. Next to the stove is a small pond; on the other side is a neat side room.

    There was no water in the pond, and the sludge exuded a strong stench, which melted into it with slightly corrosive rainwater, and it was still emitting a little white smoke.

    The place was small, and the five decided to act separately.

    Caviar, Bu Jiu, and Wen Muqing are the only ones who can fight at present, and the two brothers, Xie Mo Xie Shen, are more supportive.

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