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    Some scorching sun relentlessly shone on every place that was not covered by buildings, making people on the road couldn't help speeding up their pace.

    Irene held the energy detector in one hand, and couldn't help but stroke the weapon hidden in her sleeve with the other hand. She looked around with divine eyes, trying to find some clues.

    Lide, who said he wanted to protect her, left when he saw her talking to L, and gave her a vicious look before leaving.

    However, Irene has never had such a heart that is higher than the sky. In fact, she has no ability to pretend to be a man. After all, a woman is still a beautiful woman. Being able to come to a place like Dominica alone to do missions is enough to show that she is nothing. The vase is beautiful.

    She walked forward, and the man slowly fell beside her, as if he was on a tourist trip, and seemed to really give her the initiative.

    Irene was somewhat puzzled by L's attitude. When she walked around the garden and observed the scene outside the building, she finally couldn't help asking: "What do you think of this hospital?"

    L, that is, Wen Muqing , He said lazily according to the persona: "I don't have any opinion. It's not so much a hospital, it's more like a nursing home, or a mental hospital."

    ——It's actually nonsense.

    "Indeed, the only information I have collected is that this hospital suddenly appeared and deceived more than a dozen ordinary people to come in by relying on advertisements, and then closed the hospital directly on the grounds that it was full of patients." Irene saw that he hadn't been there all the time. In a daze, he breathed a sigh of relief, "I can't see anyone along the way, and the energy detection is also very low. It is very likely that ordinary people are trapped somewhere."

    Irene covered her eyes with her hand, raised her head slightly to observe The five buildings side by side are different from the buildings next to each other in general hospitals. The buildings in this place are separated by a large gap, and they are arranged in two fronts and three backs. The third floors between each other are covered with special opaque The covered bridges are connected together, presenting a trapezoid.

    The place where the red cross is marked is Building No. 1. There are creepers crawling on the wall, which are green and swaying in the wind. There are also creepers in Building No. 2, but they are much rarer than Building No. 1, and the serial number goes further back. The buildings in the building are newer, and the No. 4 and No. 5 buildings in the back are shiny white porcelain without any stains.

    Irene took two steps forward, lay down beside the fountain and looked down. There were even a few golden carps swimming inside, which looked fat and fat, and their tail flicks could cause high splashes.

    Wen Muqing was observing the ability user who was traveling with him, while thinking about the clearance script he set.

    [Crane] was arranged by him as a gatekeeper boss, not suitable for close-up viewing, so he simply took out the new card and used it as a hidden NPC.

    Although the ability of the wanderer is not a special type, it is definitely enough to fool the ability users. He intends to test a few better ability users and let them stay in the alliance country to serve as his internal support.

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