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Chapter 72

    "You two melons! Didn't I say to help me take a look at the situation?!"

    Zhang Huaibao took all his strength to lead the third graders downstairs in an organized and disciplined manner, and asked the monitor to take them to the psychiatric appraisal room for a rest , before running back to take a breath, he saw the figures of those two lawless freshmen going to the stairs from a long distance.

    The alienated man lying on the ground looked very miserable, light-colored inhuman blood gurgled out and pooled on the ground, his tail fell to the side weakly, and occasionally twitched.

    From a distance, Zhang Huaibao saw two freshmen chatting on their own, without even looking at the monster on the ground. He felt a little depressed. Although it was the era of weird recovery, it would not be weird to walk around...

    You know most of them Freshmen who entered school probably hadn't even seen a D-level monster before, so they were lured in to learn "magic" in a daze.

    These two bold kids ran over to watch, and it’s fine if they shot. Don’t they have any doubts and panic after the end of the matter?

    Especially the tall boy, why can he still smile so brightly in this situation?!

    It was only then that Wen Muqing remembered that the trendy-looking teacher asked him to help guard the scene. He raised his head and looked at Tang Guangyu, then turned silently to look at the man who was chasing him.

    Tang Guangyu said awkwardly: "Er... Teacher, are you here?"

    Zhang Huaibao said angrily, "I'm 30 seconds late and you will all be downstairs."

    Wen Muqing likes cards with taciturn characters very much, because Every time when playing this kind of card, the people next to him will default to him not speaking, and then take over a series of unnutritive chatter.

    Especially when meeting someone like Tang Guangyu who can be regarded as an extrovert, he can even be in a daze and wander as if he doesn't exist.

    Wen Muqing shifted his attention to other cards for the time being. After Ye Shou left the "Dawn" headquarters, he began to travel across the country, searching around for strange and suitable levels to collect energy. Ye Tingshen stayed in the bakery to teach Li Sanuo about their abilities. way of use.

    Qin Zhen's bloodline "Clock Rabbit" can change the flow of time to a certain extent, and its growth cannot be underestimated.

    If it is really possible to achieve the maximum desired level and change the global flow rate, it can completely leave Wen Muqing with many opportunities for trial and error in eliminating the weirdness.

    But thinking about growing to that level within half a year, it is obviously impossible. Wen Muqing only hopes that the two of them can find more ability users to hug each other through the induction between blood ability users, and he can't teach them one by one.

    At the end of the summer vacation, he will temporarily suspend the two children from school, and then find the staff of "Dawn" to help them find someone.

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