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    Watching the backs of the two detectives disappear completely, Wen Muqing let out a sigh of relief. He poured the two cups of untouched hot water into the reservoir while chatting with the system: "They are so efficient, I haven't had lunch yet. When I had time to do it, I came to the door. And the speed of questioning was also very fast..."

    "As expected of the office of our country!" He said with a frown.

    The system couldn't help but said: [Isn't this because you handed over your ID card directly? Give it as you say it is the only pass for Chinese people. If you have an identity, you will definitely do things quickly. ]

    Wen Muqing slowly and deliberately washed and cut the dishes: "Normal people would not think about being vain when they see the police uncle, let alone the identity of the night watchman who wants to cross the road, it is better to be sincere. But I did not show weakness. Ah, your speech has always been serious, and Ye Shou's face is also very good."

    [...Do you really think you have a strong attitude?] The system's voice was frozen for a moment.

    "Isn't it? I insisted to come back tomorrow, and they agreed." Wen Mu said of course, "If it weren't for my deterrent power, how could the general police be so good at talking.

    " He pulled the clean and oil-free range hood, and said happily, "I think I wanted to go to the art school for special recruitment before the college entrance examination, but they affirmed my voice and appearance, and rejected me because of my poor acting skills. Now It seems that I still have some talent."

    System: ...that art school is a discerning person.

    I don't know where Wen Muqing cultivated his self-confidence. He once thought that his acting skills were very good, and his crazy euphemisms were useless.

    But as long as the car doesn't roll over, then his host will be happy. Even if the car rolls over, he can still get around...

    After a while, the system said: [Then why should the police go to the store? Exposing the body is still a bit dangerous. ]

    Wen Muqing said to the system seriously: "I will definitely protect myself. But after all, life on the main body is inconvenient, someone has seen me use the night watchman ID card to help myself, it is better to walk a bright road together, so as not to follow the main body It will also be investigated by the official, revealing more clues.”

    "And I only intend to let the night watchman appear beside the main body. I will pay attention to the other identities."

    Wen Muqing put the prepared sweet and sour pork ribs and braised eggplant into the lunch box, and took out two tomato stuffed after thinking. He went into the bag and said to the system coquettishly, "Please, the system, help me bring the lunch box back." The

    system said that it was tired, and it said weakly: [Don't use Ye Su's face to say such ooc words. ]

    Wen Muqing smiled nonchalantly: "I definitely won't do this where it might be exposed. It's too tiring to pretend to be in a home where I know the truth."

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