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Chapter 59

    W and K went to the door to wait and see again, and found that the nurses were indeed just staring at them quietly and did not move, but they had no intention of opening the door, so they stepped back and watched Li knock on the wall.

    Most capable users are much stronger than ordinary people. Even with short iron nails and hammers, it is easy to knock holes in the wall after finding a point of strength.

    With the three of them working together, the wall powder fell rustlingly, and a small hole in the bottle cap was knocked out very quickly.

    The expression of the nurse outside the door gradually changed, from expressionless to ferocious, with a feeling of aggrieved.

    Li took a deep breath and looked from the hole to the next room.

    Then he met a silver-white eye, the white eyelashes fluttered, revealing curiosity.

    He took a step back subconsciously, gripping the dagger tightly.

    "What's going on?" W asked quickly.

    Before Li could speak, he heard a slightly brisk voice from the next door: "Do you have any money?"

    "What?" The three of them were startled.

    The voice next door repeated it patiently.

    A few people thought of the patients they met downstairs, as long as they didn't turn their backs to them, it was easy to communicate with them.

    It's just that those people were all bound to the bed, but the one they met in front of them could squat by the wall and listen to them digging the wall.

    Li pursed his lips: "I have a belt—what's your number     ?


They looked at each other and silently raised their vigilance to the highest level.

    They knew all the specific news from the bottom, but at this moment they suddenly met, and they didn't know what to ask for a while.

    Unexpectedly, the people in front of them didn't give them any chance to choose. They only heard the wall shake violently, and the stones and wall powder fell to the ground.

    The three of them were caught off guard by the dust of the wall and coughed a few times before realizing that the hole the size of a coin had been completely broken, revealing a hole big enough for them to bend over.

    The children who were only as tall as their waists looked at them through the wall with their long sleeves rolled up.

    "Didn't you want to find me?" He tilted his head, "Then come in."

    Three people: ... dare not move.

    It's like playing a game with untold hardships until the last few levels. Everyone wants to find the boss, but before they get there, the boss pops up by itself, with tricks written all over it from head to toe.

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