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    There is no boy who can't imagine his experience of punishing evil and promoting good. At least Wen Muqing has really made up his mind about how to chase a car thief when he encounters a speeding thief on the road.

    However, from the point of view of the system, he has always done a lot of good things, but it is the first time that he has really faced it directly from the main body.

    I hope this Mr. thief is more reliable, just don't let him faint.

    In the dark room, Wen Muqing was leaning on the bed, his eyes were shining, he picked out the cards and planned to give this lucky thief a big surprise.

    However, for the sake of peace in the future, Wen Muqing thought about it, and unfortunately took out the [Night Watchman].

    ——He didn't want to be caught to take notes, and to explain that the cards that scare the thief were actually special effects.

    Using the [Qingxing Deng] is worrying, if it is a capable person, it would be bad for him to give it directly.

    Silent and reliable night watchman, yyds!


    The moonlight scatters softly in the community, casting a mottled shadow from the top of the tree, and a gust of wind blows from time to time, causing the green branches to sway twice.

    Lissano was holding his breath as he moved the keyhole with a small wire, the small flashlight in his mouth rolled the light, and the smooth lock surface reflected his own appearance from time to time.

    It was already dead of night, the community was empty, and the commissary in the farthest corner was on the dark side. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't find a thin figure doing something sneaky here.

    He poked twice from time to time, held his breath again, put his ear against the door, and listened intently. After confirming that there was only a calm and gentle aura inside, he lowered his head again to do his homework.     There are too few places where ordinary old locks are still used these days. Most people have adopted electronic fingerprint locks, which have excellent anti-theft capabilities. It is really difficult to steal something.     What's more, after the popularity of "Dawn", there are fewer people carrying cash, and thieves who want to directly steal money and food have disappeared for a while.

    ——The most worthwhile things to steal now are "Dawn" and the jewelry that people are carrying, but the former is highly technical and the latter is caught at a high price.

    Lissano rubbed his hungry stomach with a bitter face. While trying the lock picking method he read from the book, he couldn't help but drum in his heart: This person doesn't even have a fingerprint lock inside. I won't set up any strange organs, play a trick and invite you to enter the urn!

    He finally heard a "click", and the old lock, who had been stubbornly resisting for nearly twenty minutes, let out a groan and sacrificed heroically.

    Lissano gently placed the lock on the ground, took off the small flashlight in his mouth, turned it off, put it in his pocket, and stared at the gap exposed by the iron rolling door with his slightly green eyes in the natural light.

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