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Chapter 84

    Ms. Shan and Yu Wanjun left Tikwa College for the first time after taking office.

    In order not to lower the academy's protection, she remotely controlled the ability, and she looked weaker, but she took care of herself carefully, and even her smile was the fullest, which made people feel sick at first glance. I can't help but feel good about it.

    Yu Wanjun helped her onto the plane.

    They were going to the Institute of Biology next to the tropical rainforest in southern Yunnan, intending to negotiate with "Dawn".

    As a neutral party, they should have invited representatives of the "Ark" to participate together, but it seemed that something went wrong inside the "Ark", and it was in chaos. Coincidentally, after seeing the movement of Huaguo Customs, the group of people did not hesitate to send The blame was placed on "Dawn", and the two parties had officially turned against each other, so naturally they would not come to this other people's home meeting.

    "Shuguang" also felt that they were doing some experiments and making troubles secretly, so he was happy to see that they didn't come.

    "I'm neutral, it seems that I really can't stay neutral." Ms. Shan sighed, "Xiao Tang is a student of our school, I hope you don't go too far."

    Apart from the members of the Southern Yunnan branch, There is also Yang Yuecheng who came all the way from Zhejiang Province, he mainly accompanied Tang Guangyu, and - called MIA.

    Why use the word calling? The main reason is that the "Li Lane" incident has been exposed, the news of Zheliu's death is heartbreaking, and Ye Shou did not show up because of the conflict with the headquarters. Now they can only use the purple hexagram badge to engage in metaphysics if they want to find someone.

     "Guangyu is a very talented and potential seedling, so it is impossible for us to be unfavorable to him." Yang Yuecheng smiled, "He repeatedly assured that what he saw in the dream was enough to subvert our cognition. To investigate the ability, I came directly to the south of Yunnan."

     "I heard that there is a memory-related ability?" 

    "Well, Xu Zelin, a C-level ability user, has the ability to know the memory of a period of time through touch , there are instruments in the Institute of Biology that can be exported."

    Yang Yuecheng really felt that Tang Guangyu's words were a bit exaggerated at first, but after he named "Ye Shou" and "Ye Tingshen" and told them that they both appeared in the dormitory, he stopped thinking about it.

    I will not mention how these people got into Tikwa College, but this already shows that there is something special about Tang Guangyu that makes those people treat them specially.

    "Little Tang! Are you ready?" Yang Minyue took Ms. Shan into the base, and greeted Tang Guangyu who was sitting at the door and playing video with his girlfriend.

    Let Tang Guangyu dictate what he saw in the illusion. It is difficult for him to express the details, but it is very troublesome to apply layer by layer to export. At first, Tang Guangyu was in a hurry to find out about Lin Ta and MIA, but he lost his temper because of the physical examination and the report.

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