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    After the beauty in red announced the rules of the game softly, everyone found that she disappeared in the same place in an instant. The gate of the shrine was suddenly closed, and the heavy bell rang, like a death knell for them.

    It was clear that the sky had been clear just now, but now the sky was overcast. Lightning flashed across the sky suddenly, followed by the rumbling sound of the wrath of the sky. Soon, the rain poured down, and it was full of pea-sized raindrops as far as the eye could see.

    A row of white lucky cats on the wall began to wave their hands crazily, and the hanging wind chimes and wooden signs also made a crisp sound of collision under the slanting wind.

    Shui Yeling, who was let go by Huapi, retreated and sat on the ground. She looked at the vigilant and dissatisfied eyes of her teammates, and she didn't dare to speak for a moment.

    Captain Mina clenched her samurai sword tightly, and Hallett also held the cross in her hand. They stopped giving Mizuya Ryoko extra looks, but focused on the so-called "challenge".

    Holding a parasol, the woman who was somehow not soaked by the downpour of rain let out a soft laugh, like a tuberose blooming abruptly in a quiet night, which was extraordinarily intoxicating.

    Obviously, the sound of rain in the background was very loud, mixed with the sound of the wind, but everyone's eyes were dazed for a moment because of her chuckle.     Hallett

    raised his cross, and the energy poured down, casting a white shadow on the ground. He calmly said: "It may be a strange type of mental attack, everyone, be vigilant!"

When she went to the porch, she put away the wet umbrella and placed it on the ground.

    Shui Yelingzi sat beside her, froze and didn't dare to move, he could only smell the strong fragrance from her body.

    Inexplicably, a piece of popular science flashed through her mind: Evening primrose emits a large amount of fragrance at night, which is extremely harmful to people's health, and can even cause shortness of breath and chest tightness in serious cases...

    The girl ignored everyone's precautions. He took off the top hat that covered most of his face, and showed everyone a smile that turned all sentient beings upside down.

    With a "click", the raised cross lost its warm light and fell to the ground, mixing with the rain-wet soil.

    Hallett's huge body fell to the ground, making a dull crash.

    Mina held up her samurai sword. Seeing that the situation was not good but it was irreparable, she subconsciously threw the unsheathed sharp blade out of her hand, and then followed in Harett's footsteps.

    There was only a shrill scream—it was from Shui Yelingzi.

    The sharp blade thrown by Meicai just now, after being dodged by Wei Yi, unexpectedly stabbed Shui Yelingzi's thigh impartially, blood splattered everywhere, and there was a toothache sound of bone cracking.

    Of the five people present at one time, four fainted to the ground, and one hugged his leg and howled with cold sweat all over his face.

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