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Chapter 97

    At 7 o'clock in the evening, in Huaguo, Xu Lingshan came home from get off work, cooked a bowl of egg noodles with tomatoes, put it in front of the TV, and ate while watching the news.

    Today's host seems to be extremely nervous, and even the time before the broadcast almost leaked a sharp voice, presumably the salary will be deducted a level.

    With her face in her mouth, Xu Lingshan planned to turn on the news broadcast as the background sound, and go to Chenxi to chat with her girlfriends, but she felt something was wrong when she heard it.

    "The following is an important news, please listeners to pay attention."

    "In the 25th year of Interstellar, a species called 'strange' appeared on the earth. They lurk in unknown places, and only a few people with trigger conditions can see them. , These weirdnesses have no self-awareness, and will attack humans who enter their domain, causing casualties..."

    "For this reason, our country has established a supernatural organization 'Dawn' to recruit supernatural beings from all over the world to fight against the weirdness. With the concerted efforts of everyone Now, the weirdness is temporarily contained, and the turmoil subsides, but containment does not mean elimination. Any heresy that wants to compete with human beings for survival status is our enemy..."

    "In order to raise the vigilance of citizens, our country has decided to release this blocked information. Sound the alarm to jointly resist the invasion of weirdness, and next, Professor Wen Gefei, an expert in weirdness research, will explain to us various things about

    weirdness..." The noodles Xu Lingshan was holding in her mouth fell back into the bowl with a thud, and the soup The splash was so startled that she quickly took out a piece of paper and wiped her wrist where it was dripped.

    At this time, Chen Xi popped up, and the information belonging to her best friend frantically swiped the screen, and the exclamation marks all over her eyes made her dizzy.

    Xiaoya: [Shanshan! Shanshan! Did you watch the news broadcast? ! ! Big deal ah ah ah ah! ! ]

    Xiaoya: [My God! Is it so dangerous that we live next to it? Those weird things feel like wild animals, or wild animals that we can't see, and will eat people anytime, anywhere, right? ! ]

    Xiaoya: [Shouldn’t today be April Fool’s Day 2? ? Kidnapped by the authorities? ! ]

    Xu Lingshan barely calmed down. The screen of the news broadcast had already cut to the other side, and the serious researcher wearing a mask said the main points to pay attention to in a straightforward tone.

    "First, please turn on Chenxi's alarm system. If Chenxi gets hot, press the protection button immediately and send a signal for help."

    "Second, don't panic when you see something weird, don't scream and run around, if the weirdness is mechanical Please do not answer in the language, use the protective cover to wait for rescue."

    "Third, try to avoid entering dangerous places such as deserted buildings and abandoned buildings, avoid walking alone at night, and keep the battery fully charged in the morning light at all times..."

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