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    Xicheng District, Pingyu City.

    It has the densest dwellings and the largest gathering of people. The high-speed development has brought about economic imbalances, which gradually crowded out the most favorable economic areas. The poor people could not keep their original residences, so they could only report to the group to keep warm. land.

    Although the cost of "Dawn" is not high and it has a wide range of uses, there are still many people on this land who did not buy it in order to save so much money, but instead gave strange opportunities to take advantage of it.

    It's just that compared to being weird, in the eyes of most people, the most terrifying thing is still people's hearts.

    "Hahaha, brother, let me tell you, your father, I was spotted by a rich woman recently, and she actually wanted to give it to me, this—count!" A smug face.

    The person sitting next to him was stunned by the smell of his wine, and he patted his outstretched hand unceremoniously: "Who are you calling me! You are bragging all day long and don't do anything serious, didn't you return it a while ago? You said that a beautiful girlfriend is coming to live with you? Why is there a rich woman here?"

    Yu Cheng snorted, the folds on his face were clear and glistening with greasy light, he said aggrievedly: "That's it. Don't mention it, I thought it was a pure beauty, but I didn't expect it to be a man, and even told me that it was for my sex change... Just kidding! If it wasn't for his rich family and his usual tone of voice was not like a man, I would be too lazy to deal with it.

    " Hehe, both men and women are killed, bro." The drinking friend didn't believe the nonsense he said, but he still joked, "Have you seen that feeling before."

    When it came to this topic, Yu Cheng, who was drunk, shuddered twice. Shaking, and even said "no".

    When the drinking buddy left, Yu Cheng slumped on the chair in the bar, drunk, feeling a little cold for no reason. He mumbled and touched the "Dawn" he was wearing on his hand, his mind was full of the tickets from the park manager, he gave himself a few strong breaths, and fell asleep again.

    "Yu Cheng, it's time for the bar to close, it's time to go home." A low and soft voice fell in Yu Cheng's ear, with a demagogic power.

    Yu Cheng shuddered and opened his eyes. The wine bottles were no longer in a mess, and the red decorative fake flowers were nowhere to be seen. Only a piece of black dirt adhered to the shimmering bar sign.

    - "The Psychedelic Kiss".

    Yu Cheng felt that his state was also like a dream. He couldn't control his limbs. He was clearly walking forward, but he felt like he was floating, vain, and had no place to fall.

    He stiffened his neck and slanted his eyes to the side, only to see the silver mirror chain on his raised red lips. The strange man politely said goodbye to the waiter and took him out of the bar.

    The night was cold and cold, and a person's alcoholism could be blown away in three or two times. There was not even a shadow of a pedestrian on the road. Only the overturned trash can under the yellow street light could be seen, and only the rubbing of the leather shoes of the next person against the ground could be heard." Click" sound.

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