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Chapter 70

    Early the next morning, Wen Muqing was woken up by the deafening bells outside, but the system hadn't woken up yet, and Wen Muqing could still hear a super soft snoring.

    Tang Guangyu knocked on his door as expected, and brought him a new school uniform.

    "When I opened the door, I found it at the door. The senior said that you don't need to wear it on the first day." He smiled, his face was full of exhaustion, and the dark circles under his eyes were naked. He must have not slept well last night.

    Wen Muqing had a nightmare last night, and now he feels cold all over. Although nothing was shown on the Fortune Teller card, mental exhaustion was easily revealed.

    He took the school uniform and thanked Tang Guangyu in a low voice.

    For a moment, the two with tired faces, who seemed to be drained from sleepless nights, laughed awkwardly at each other, and the scene was quite humorous.

    "The senior will come to see us later. There is bread and yogurt in the kitchen. Let's have some first?"

    Wen Muqing went over to eat the bread in a daze, and began to think about what happened last night.

    Excellent actors naturally have to be involved in the show. For the meeting last night, Wen Muqing naturally rehearsed more than once. He not only had to guess what Ms. Shan would do, but also made corresponding detailed expressions.

    Although the meeting time was very short, and basically did not say a few words, but it was very exhausting.

    Long Jun's performance is fairly simple, and it overlaps with Lin Ta partly, so it's not awkward to play, the main one is Ms. Shan.

    Wen Muqing raised his head to see Ms. Shan for the first time, and his attention was on her pair of warm brown eyes. An indescribable feeling rose from the bottom of his heart, which made him a little confused.

    Ms. Shan looks very young, in her early thirties, with her hair tied up and wearing formal attire, with obvious tolerance and warmth in her eyes. She looks like someone who is engaged in education. The system has also confirmed her ability to construct various types of Enchantment.

    But when Wen Muqing saw her, the sentiment of nostalgia and relaxation from the card made his own tense emotions relax for a moment.

    It's not a bad thing, he didn't intend to have a bad relationship with Ms. Shan, and showing weakness can better lead them to think in the direction they need.

    It's just... It's still very annoying to dream about my past self.

    Now just wait for the academy to make a judgment, and he can just adapt to the situation, and he can toss Xiao Tang in the middle of the time.

    Wen Muqing finished eating the slice of bread in his hand, and drank the yogurt bit by bit with both hands. With the big wizard hat on his head, only half of his face could be seen, and he looked very dazed.

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