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    Li Sano finally failed to reach the police station, because he was discovered by Wen Muqing who detected the movement on the way.

    Wen Muqing thought he would catch a thief who didn't know what to do, but he didn't expect that the one who broke in was a little wolf cub. He looked quite cute and had a good personality, which successfully aroused his curiosity.

    Wen Muqing re-read the information that appeared in the companion book of "Book Spirit" after he marked Li Sano.

    Name: Lisano

    Age: 13

    Identity: Street child

    Race: Human 64% (?)

    Then he was startled by the question mark behind this race, and quickly tapped the system to inquire about the situation.

    [Yes, you guessed it right, this kid does have other mixed bloodlines and is awakening. ] The system stuck its head out, [Your luck, the host...]

    really had nothing to say.

    The front foot is still discussing with him whether there are other bloodlines in the world, and the special bloodline of the back foot is delivered to the door. The delivery service is not so fast, right? The

    system feels that it is still less knowledgeable.

    After answering Wen Muqing's question, it drilled back into its own programming space, spent energy scanning the world's special bloodlines, and came to the conclusion that there are indeed only two people in Pingyu City who are still in the special bloodline awakening stage. .

    Coincidentally, they were both not far from Wen Muqing's small shop, and they seemed to know each other.

    Is this the Emperor of Europe? It's so scary—

    due to program limitations, the system couldn't directly tell Wen Muqing the conclusion of the scan, but it still gently reminded: [Follow this child, you may find other gains . ]

    Wen Muqing responded with a "hmm" twice, still a little confused about Li Sano's attitude towards "Night Watchman", which was very contrasting before and after.

    If he was frightened by the "Night Watchman"'s scar, it wouldn't take so long to react; if he didn't want to answer that question, he wouldn't be so scared that his face turned pale.

    "So...he was afraid early in the morning, and then ate the bread with determination?" After thinking for a long time, Wen Muqing came to this conclusion and couldn't help but marvel, "It's true that hunger can overcome fear."

    It's just that one piece of bread is not enough for a child of this age, and he has to prepare more food.

    But when Wen Muqing planned to go to the vegetable market to squat with ribs in advance with the card of "Night Watchman", he found that the little red dot belonging to Li Sano moved to the police station in Pingyu City at a slow but firm speed. go.

    Wen Muqing was startled: "Isn't it, you have to turn yourself in?"

    Thinking of what Li Sano said when he took death as his own, Wen Muqing reasonably suspected that he would even give the night watchman a confession.

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