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Chapter 80

    Before hearing that familiar word, Tang Guangyu would be very curious about the so-called mermaid kingdom.

    But as soon as "weird" came out, his thoughts were completely seized by this word, and he couldn't even walk.

    It seemed that Tang Guangyu's anomaly was too obvious, Lin Ta stopped and looked at him questioningly.

    "Those weird things, do you follow certain rules? If you can't decipher the rules, there is no way to solve them?" Tang Guangyu realized how hoarse his voice had become after speaking.

    After getting Lin Ta's affirmative answer, Tang Guangyu was even more desperate. He was dragged away by Lin Ta in a daze, but his mind was full of "it's over".

    How is it weird...

    No, why is this world also called weird? Is this the same thing as the one on Earth?

    Looking at the progress of this world, the aborigines are almost retreating steadily, and they have been squeezed into such a situation in only half a year. No wonder Linta and those guys will appear on the earth...

    This is also very understandable, compared to the big ones on the earth. Most of them are ordinary people. There are more people who have the ability, and the mutation is more lethal.

    But where on earth is there such a Gu worm...Where did those weird things pop out?

    The more Tang Guangyu thought about it, the more entangled he became, his face wrinkled together.

    The next moment, a bit of coldness touched his cheek, making Tang Guangyu shiver.

    Lin Ta poked his cheek with a helpless expression, "Don't be so nervous, they don't know how to eat people."

    Tang Guangyu grimaced, mermaids don't know how to eat people, but the weirdness might be...the

    two Following the attendant who led the way, he walked out of the outside line along a small path.

    Lin Ta seemed to be a little worried about Tang Guangyu's state, and kept pulling him, but Tang Guangyu felt that the skin where Lin Ta held him was cold and hot, and it was extremely twisted.

    He took a deep breath, inexplicably thinking of the unorthodox knowledge that he had read somewhere, saying that people with insufficient energy and blood will have cold hands and feet all year round, and they must take supplements to take good care of them.     Hmm

    ...but he doesn't seem to know what people in this world usually eat? Get in

touch with the other party."

    Lin Ta paused: "Why did you say it now?" The

    attendant hesitated to speak, but Lin Ta patted him on the shoulder and asked him to go back before he could speak.

    Tang Guangyu took a step back to observe the environment when the two were whispering, and found that it was a small bungalow that looked very warm, much better than the sheds inside the front line. There was a moist sea smell in the air, and the light blue cover flickered.

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