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    "Mr. Yoshida Masao, on the evening of June 3rd, you and the anchor Masataka Murakami, whose online name is 'Adventure の Superman', went to the unnamed shrine near Jingchuan Village, Yoshino County, right?"

    "...Explore, go to the shrine... ...No, it's not like this!"

    The man lying on the hospital bed with bandages all over his body stared at his bloodshot eyes, his fingers trembling with fear, and he squeezed the words out of his throat that seemed to be torn, " I just want to sleep well, sleep, I didn't go to the shrine!...I don't know that anchor!"

    "Do you remember what happened at that time?" The special investigator in uniform held the recorder.

    "What happened..."

    "What did you see in that shrine?"

    Yoshida Zhengxiong trembled, his eyes rolled up, and he foamed at the mouth like an epileptic seizure. The machine next to it made a fierce alarm sound, which instantly ignited the quiet hospital. After a while, all the doctors and nurses gathered around and pushed the investigator aside.

    Sometimes seriously injured patients are not only the objects that the doctors try their best to treat, but also the objects that they can learn and promote the progress of medical skills.

    "Yoshida Zhengxiong was slashed 108 times by an unknown person. The knife was pierced to the bone, and his face was like being splashed with sulfuric acid. He couldn't see his face at all. With our current medical technology, I'm afraid it will be difficult to recover. The doctor in charge explained the information. He must have not seen such a terrifying thing for many years, and his face was incredulous. "But that thing should not be sulfuric acid, it is red, like blood, and the composition cannot be detected in the hospital.

    " After cutting so many knives, he is fortunate that he did not die, and it is normal for him to have mental problems."

    Farewell to the attending doctor, the investigator walked into the ward of Masataka Murakami, the host of the live broadcast, with a notebook.

    Unlike Zhengxiong Yoshida, who was cut 108 times and almost returned to the West, Murakami was still conscious, but the scars on his neck showed that he was not without experience. All materials have been handed over.

    The investigators saw that his expression was full of resentment. If this person hadn't broadcasted the live broadcast and posted all the news on the Internet, causing the entire Sakura Continent to shake, they wouldn't have to run out to work overtime. You must know that for the place of Sakura Island, except for the local capable people who are a little concerned, most people want to run out and obtain higher rights.

    As a result, the presence of "Ark" in this place is also very thin, and there is absolutely no interference unless police reports are made.

    After inquiring as usual, the investigators finally compiled a report.

    "According to the victim Masataka Murakami, he received an expedition invitation from another victim, Yoshida Zhengxiong, at noon on June 2. The two agreed to explore the unnamed shrine in Jingchuan Village on June 3. But after meeting Yoshida's face Frightened and denied the fact that the two met, they looked crazy and unpleasant."

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