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Chapter 82

In the second week of school, Tikva College was in a mess. Every student gathered together to gossip after class. The combat department students stopped fighting, and the auxiliary department students didn't discuss which partner they would be with in the future. Talk about the troubles that happened at the beginning of the school.

On the second day of school, the building of the Combat Department was blown up. At first it was said that it was a strange invasion. Later, some students recognized the characteristics of the weird who was fighting with the teacher. Public opinion was out of control. After the school forcibly silenced the school, some students still secretly conspired, saying that there was some experiment that violated humanity...

Then, two of the freshmen with the only three specialties had accidents, but they still They are both the rarest divination system, and the two were inseparable at the beginning, and everyone saw them, and they began to speculate whether there was some emotional dispute that caused love to hate, as for the remaining little fat man, he had no sense of existence .

It is said that some people have seen glowing flowers blooming on the walls of the administrative building at night, but not many people believe it.

It's only been a week since school started, and what happened has already shocked many people's jaws.

"I heard that Tikwa College is about to be closed. Ms. Shan plans to train us separately according to my wishes. It is best to join the job directly after graduation."

"Ah... I don't want to join the job to fight monsters, can't I stay in the school? "

I can't, didn't all the superiors go to the meeting yesterday? Our teacher was distracted in the middle of the class, and he didn't know where he was talking. There must be something big!"

"Could it be that the weirdness was sent to humans Undercover, and then the conspiracy was revealed and you were caught?"

"Come on, I couldn't beat it in the first place, if I really had the wisdom to do it like that, the human race would have been extinct a long time ago..."

"Hey, don't be discouraged, now even Ordinary people can survive well, which shows that weirdness can't cause a big storm at all, as long as we clean it up slowly, we can always get rid of them."

"You flag... tsk."

It is called gossip, but the scope of influence is definitely much larger than gossip. At least the professors found that in the weekly quiz, many students were distracted, and those who learned to bow even hit the bullseye of the target next door...

Ying Yue and Liu Wei They are both freshmen in Class 3, Grade 1 of the Combat Department. The two have been inseparable girlfriends since they were young. They were caught on the spot by a person with supernatural powers after they suddenly awakened in their sophomore year, and they transferred to Tikwa College. After listening to a few verses, facing a pile of overwhelming gossip in the world, I don't even understand how to eat melons.

Fortunately, the majority of their class were confused, and it was not at all awkward for two shivering Muggles to mix in.

Fortunately, they joined the club on the second day of school, and met a few senior brothers and sisters through the club.

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