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Chapter 62

Time goes back to last night.

When [Wanderer] was cultivating congregation(?) in Yin Yang Hospital, [Night Watchman] was arguing with Wen Gefei at the "Dawn" headquarters.

--Announcing the question of weirdness to ordinary people.

The Shuguang side strongly demanded that people belonging to the MIA organization sign a contract with them, not a neutral party like Ye Shou who was outside the rules.

Better to get the head of the MIA out.

But last time Wen Muqing said that [Little Prince] was still unable to survive in that world, so naturally he couldn't contradict himself.

He hasn't drawn his cards yet, and MIA only has [Little Prince] as a bare-bones commander, so he can't agree on the spot. He can only say that he will be given two days to communicate and contact, and then delay the time to sign the agreement.

Judging from the psychological activities of the other entourage, Suguang Fang actually tends to announce the idea of ​​the strange existence, but there are too many concerns and lack of a stimulating node.

"Within three days, I hope you can contact the real MIA members to sign the contract. We will choose a relatively safe place. I hope you understand." Wen Gefei's expression under the mask was unclear, but his tone had recovered Moderate and polite state.

Wen Muqing always felt that the director was very unhappy seeing him, but everything was easy to talk about if he did his best on the surface.

Wen Gefei said: "This time our attitude will become tougher. Ark cannot influence our choice. We tentatively plan to announce the news on September 15th, and allow three months for preparation."

He mentioned that Ark was particularly tough, with a kind of It is just a casual feeling to cooperate with them at ordinary times.

Wen Muqing applauded him in his heart. Among other things, Suguang's autonomous attitude made him feel great. The outside world has been saying that "Ark" has more people than "Shuguang", which one is stronger? stick to the word.

Looking at it all the way, it is still the most reliable Dawn at home.

In addition to this, there is another point that is the alienation of capable people. Wen Muqing proposed to read the materials they have researched so far, but was rejected.

"Those materials are currently top secret, and our relationship has not yet reached that level." Wen Gefei said, "But if you have any insights, you can tell them directly."

Wen Muqing briefly explained his conclusions to them. , emphasizing that you must never use your abilities again.

"Although the healing ability can be recovered for a short time, it will cause a greater rebound." Wen Muqing was a little helpless, "Yu Jiang's situation is like this, he would not have been so serious."

If it wasn't for Wen Zheliu's indiscriminate treatment Diyin, Yu Jiang wouldn't have almost turned into a mermaid that night.

Wen Gefei was thoughtful: "Don't use the ability, don't accept the healing ability, so the problem lies in the situation of the ability itself? If it is not the influence caused by the external weirdness, but the internal catalytic effect..."

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