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    Huaguo, Tibet is in the early morning at this time. Wen Gefei has just finished counting the data and handed over to several branches who came to report. He rubbed his eyes and planned to catch up on sleep when he heard the little robot on the table beeping again. up.

    "Minister Wen, someone is looking for Ye Shou, a B-level ability user." Wen

    Gefei froze for a moment, suspecting that he had auditory hallucinations.

    "Minister Wen, someone..." The little robot broke his thoughts mercilessly.

    "Okay, okay, shut up, I know!" Wen Gefei said angrily.

    He was still wearing the white coat for researchers, and took out a pure cotton white mask from his pocket and put it on, revealing only a pair of tired eyes and somewhat messy hair.

    Seeing the energetic Ye Shou sitting in the reception room, Wen Gefei's mood was even worse. He had a headache and said, "Tell me if you have anything to do. I remember it's not time yet."

    He It was about the public reception in mid-September, and Ye Shou would also attend it.

    Wen Muqing didn't bother to go around in circles, and said bluntly, "Take me to No. 502."

    This tone was no different from that of the leader.

    Wen Gefei: "??? He is the core of a very important plan, not just seeing him."

    I have never seen such an upright person!

    You must know that the last time he took Ye Shou to go, he also reported in advance to keep the file, but he went there and didn't get any news, let it be, and sent a lot of information and he was angry.

    There has been no result from MIA these days, and Wen Gefei has always had resentment in his heart.

    In the end, Ye Shou came here not to talk about the materials, but to ask for a second look.

    What if his project is a vegetable market? Still waiting to come and visit at any time.

    Wen Muqing said calmly: "Then you go to apply first?"

    Wen Gefei: "...It's not a question of whether to apply or not. It's that you have to make it clear what you want to see him for? And, with the materials you took away, have you researched anything these days?"

    "...Have you asked Shall I study it?" Wen Muqing was a little surprised now, "I just took it to see."

    When a person who is usually very calm and reliable has a look of surprise on his face, the lethality is doubled.

    What's more, Wen Muqing deliberately controlled his expression, there was a trace of confusion in the surprise, and a trace of innocence in the confusion, it was not obvious, but it looked extraordinarily mocking.

    Wen Gefei's fingers trembled twice, but he couldn't say anything.

    He also implicitly stated at the time that if there are other discoveries, contact him as soon as possible, isn't the implication that MIA should take it for research?

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