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Mizuya Lingzi thought she was very cautious. She had a flashlight on, and put the puppet and lighter in her waist pocket, within easy reach.

After gently opening the sealed door, she didn't choose to step in directly, but first scanned the visible places with a flashlight.

Generally, the weirdness of the building type has a point that can be destroyed. For this kind of shrine, it is a shrine in most cases, or it is the accompanying weirdness. As long as this point is solved, the building will return to normal.

Only when the last step is reached and there is no way to retreat, the ability user will use the extreme method of burning, because it is easy to cause strange rampages, and it is easy to cause greater casualties before it is eliminated.

Mizuya Lingzi only intends to solve the weirdness quietly, and then amaze everyone. Naturally, it is impossible to use this method of setting fire to the shrine.

Huh, fortunately there is no door opening like in the movie, everything is quiet, not even a little wind, the beckoning cats stopped waving, and the wind chimes did not make any movement.

Shui Yelingzi was on the porch, holding a lighter vigilantly, thinking silently: I am only afraid of an old man, as long as I kill him, this weirdness will not be able to hurt me. With a promotion and salary increase, the hope of trampling that woman under her feet is just around the corner. As long as she can solve this weirdness independently, Matsuda-kun and Miyamoto-kun will surely kneel at her feet and become her licking dogs Bar! Thinking of that wonderful scene, Mizuya Lingzi was deeply moved. But she walked a few steps as if she was dead, and she was not far from the main hall, and she didn't see any phantoms. The flashing black shadow on the photo of the shrine seemed to be her imagination. Shui Yelingzi swallowed her saliva, and her vigilance was infinitely raised by the phenomenon that did not match her expectations. Suddenly, there was a pain in her back, as if a piece of flesh and blood had been directly torn away, and even the wound was directly exposed to the air. The burning sensation spread to the spine and then to the brain, making her almost throw the flashlight out. "What!" she snapped, turning around.

I saw a pitch-black little black cat appearing within the range of her flashlight. It lowered its head and licked something, then raised its head slightly following the movement of Shui Yeling, its green eyes staring straight at her .

Its beard was stained with blood, and it looked like the culprit who scratched her.

Shui Yeling made a "thump" in her heart, and an ominous premonition appeared in her heart. She faced the black cat and slowly backed away, taking out the energy detector from her pocket.

The weird red light and energy gradually rose, and then stayed at a level she couldn't solve.

How, how is it possible!

Isn't it said that all weirdness is exclusive? Besides the accompanying weirdness, why are there other weirdnesses appearing in this shrine?!

The reason why Mizuya Ryoko broke in firmly is because he thinks that there are no other weirdos in the shrine. There will be other weirdness, and that accompanying weirdness should only exist in the hall.

--This is the correct conclusion she came to after summarizing several victims with facial injuries!

But the black cat in front of her...

Mizuya Lingzi's courage was melted by more than half of the unknown weirdness in an instant. She trembled and squeezed the lighter, but did not dare to use it immediately.

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