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    Wen Muqing originally thought that this period of time would pass smoothly through his exhausting back and forth work.

    In order to prolong the life of the card, he can not use the card's own ability now, but the prop cards in the warehouse are rapidly consumed.

    [Why are there so few cards I can play, and why the card slot can’t be expanded, it’s really not enough! ] Wen Muqing complained to Wu Quan angrily, [Wen Zheliu is almost exhausted! ]

    Wu Quan: [...This, that, indeed, there is nothing I can do. ]

    [Should I tear up the card earlier? Just say go back and change shifts?]

    Wen Muqing: [The newly drawn card can't be played? Is there another low-level permanent card?]

    Card slots are limited after death, and there are only a few cards that come and go. If you want to reduce the number of cards, you have to wait for the durability to reach zero to automatically tear the card, or repair the high-level card and lose the low-level card. .

    But now that the permanent card occupies the position, it is impossible for him to tear up Ye Shou or Ye Tingshen. Lin Ta's divination is still useful and must be kept. The remaining seven-day card...

    Wen Muqing is entangled.

    Angus is also a daily card, but his bloodsickness makes him not suitable for publicity. Currently, he summons the soldiers in the fairy tale book to deal with B-level weirdness, and the time limit can be stuck for a long time.

    The only thing I was worried about was Wen Zheliu, even if he played for at most ten minutes each time, his durability would drop quickly.

    Wu Quan said: "Then let nature take its course." ]

    Turning the wheels around, Wen Muqing got nothing but wasted time.

    But soon, he heard another bad news from the monitoring room.

    The staff member in charge of delivering the news had a frowning face, sighed, and looked incomprehensible, he said: "Received reports from the police from all over the country, a group of people claiming to be [Avengers] suddenly appeared at night recently, and they specially picked people who travel at night to attack them." , will also collect information and attack those with weak abilities.”

    "[The Avengers] is a bulk organization. Through the interrogation of the arrested members, most of the members are extreme people. There are relatives and friends around them who have been hurt by strange things. They blame it on the country for concealing it. Now they know the truth. , will take revenge."

    "The country's concealment is not for the sake of social stability. If it weren't for Mr. Youwen and the others to help stabilize the situation and announce it suddenly, facing so many A-level weirdness that cannot be solved, it is really going to be a scene of the end of the world panic!" the staff member complained He said, "Don't consider the overall situation at all."

    Xie Yan tapped his finger on the desktop: "There are indeed advantages and disadvantages to concealing strange news. It is normal for them to harbor resentment, but it is very irrational to take revenge on innocent people in a radical way." It's done."

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