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Chapter 73

    Tang Guangyu returned to the bedroom, recalling Lin Ta's words and deeds in the process of washing up, feeling more and more disobedient.

    He hung the pendulum chain on the towel rack next to the sink, rubbing his face and observing.

    The silver-white rope is twisted into a thin thread, and the light purple crystal is hanging below it. There is a strange golden knot at the connection, but in general, it is the same as the ten yuan a piece sold by a certain treasure outside. Looks like there is no difference.

    "Wait..." He casually rubbed his wet hands on the towel, picked up the crystal, and vaguely saw a strange symbol under the yellowish light in the bathroom.

    The symbol disappeared in a flash, so fast that Tang Guangyu thought it was his eyesight.

    He subconsciously focused his attention, and unconsciously used his supernatural ability. The light flashed on the crystal, and Tang Guangyu only felt a sting in his eyes. He subconsciously let go of the pendant and took half a step back.

    "Forget it, let's do other things first." He muttered to himself, "I still have to write a review."

    He took off the pendulum and put it in the bag as if to cover up, trying to calm his beating heart, as if Like peeking at something incomprehensible, even the mind is buzzing.

    Tang Guangyu turned on the desk lamp, sat down and began to write the self-criticism. He was not a good student before, skipping classes in Internet cafes was a trivial matter, and he was able to get into Pingyu University thanks to Wen Muqing's encouragement. At this time, he was able to write with ease, and his sentences were sincere and touching. The polite words flowed smoothly from the pen.

    It's just that no matter how polite he is, he has to write about what he has done and how his mental journey is...

    This can't get around the matter of Linta.

    Tang Guangyu grimaced, but he couldn't stop his consciousness from drifting towards that pale and silent young man. Thinking of him saying "family" solemnly, he turned back to the looming symbol in the pendulum...

    "Tick tock."

    The sound of something dripping, Tang Guangyu suddenly came back to his senses, sniffed his nose, and the smell of blood rushed directly to his forehead, his expression changed drastically, he grabbed the tissue next to him and stuffed his face, and couldn't help but let out a wail: "I wrote a one-page review—"


    Wen Muqing didn't know that the "cutscene" or "prospect summary" he had prepared for Tang Guangyu would have such great staying power. After much deliberation , he even directly abolished the review...

    Maybe this is the masculinity of the young people. It was obviously the same way with Li Sanuo and the others at that time, but the children did not feel any discomfort.

    At this time, he sat and interpreted the three tarot cards.

    The devil is upright, the tower is upright, and the five swords are upright.

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