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    Wen Muqing opened Shuling's accompanying weapon and took notes on it seriously.

    I have to say that this R card is really easy to use, even if it has high acting ability and strong ability, even all weapons are versatile and versatile. If the durability of the R card has not exploded and cannot be repaired, Wen Muqing thinks she will use it by herself. The most convenient one.

    "Sure enough, choosing Xiyan is the wisest choice. Compared with the man who is calm and thoughtful and Huang San who seems to have no ability, the information she gave is the most comprehensive." Wen Muqing's ability to recruit himself first The reader solemnly marked an asterisk, intending to focus on it.

    The so-called WPO organization and coming from other planets are actually the backgrounds he made up for his own cards, in order to avoid mistakes when cooperating with the official in the future.

    And this kind of organization can't be dominated by one family, otherwise it is stronger than humans, and it can't be contained. Presumably humans can't communicate with him at ease.

    Wen Muqing had planned for a long time to divide his cards into two groups, to compete and restrain each other, and to cooperate with various organizations among human beings from many aspects. It's just that the card pool is still empty now, so we can only pull a tiger's skin to pull the shelf first, and then slowly fill it up later.

    "At present, the two official organizations of human beings are known as 'Ark' and 'Dawn'. One is headquartered in New York and the other is in Tibet. Tikwa College is independent of the two parties and is the cradle of absolute neutrality."

    General Wen Muqing Three nouns are written and marked with arrows.

    "'Ark' and 'Dawning' are both antagonistic and unified. The difference is in behavior and concept. 'Ark' is much more rude than 'Dawning'. This kind of unreasonable way of cultivating and weird can be done." The

    system prompts : [We can mix in with cards and control the Ark. ]

    "No need, our purpose is to be weird, not human beings themselves." Wen Muqing frowned, and drew a circle on "Dawning", "The headquarters is in China, Bacheng is an organization of capable people on the bright side, those two A policeman should be too. Tomorrow you can use the night watchman to inquire."

    [You are using the body today. ] The system is light and authentic.

    "Then what?" The

    system silently zoomed in on the clock when it was already 2:30 in the morning, and wanted to fight with him for another three minutes.

    Wen Muqing closed the book with a smile. After washing up and lying on the bed, he pulled the quilt over his head and said to the system childishly, "Good night."

    [Good night. ]


    At 8:30 Beijing time, the two policemen who had been squatting at the bottom of Xingfu Community for a day were finally ready to go into action.

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